Funny Post

Did you find this post useful? I sure did.
Last night at a rave, an ASU Pre-law student fucked a girl in public. Someone got
When reading comments on NSFW posts
My Godfather's posts on Facebook are never dull.
Whenever I see posts about people messing with telemarketers
Porn requests permission to post on your behalf...[Mildly NSFW]
I...finally did it.  My family has offered me facebook gold on a...silver platter.
A friend of mine posted this to facebook - she's a real attention gourd.  [NSFW?]
Whenever I try and post something new to reddit.[NSFW]
Doomsday Supplies per Homer Simpson (x-post r/TheSimpsons)
Ash's first attempt at catching a pokemon (nsfw) (x-post r/gaming)
Found a bunch of these posted on doors and telephone poles in my hood. Someone seems
A slightly late posting for Lincoln's birthday [slightly NSFW]
(X-post from atheism) fuck you, god (mildly nsfw)
Good way to get a tan! (x-post from /r/welding)
Liking your own post on facebook looks like this
Tumblr user posts his sunburnt shoulder
When I open a NSFW post and it's violence/gore instead of nudity
Whenever I see a NSFW tag on a post
When I open up a NSFW post lately.
My expression when I'm clicking on an r/wtf post that is also NSFW
At first glance, I thought this was a clever on/off post.
I'm shy and this is my [F]irst time posting on here...I was told you guys like butt
Still the funniest thing I have ever seen on the internet (probable re-post) [NSFW].
Funniest Facebook post i've ever seen
Found this gem posted in my hometown NSFW
Americans are in work, post pictures of topless Europeans! NSFW
Check out those cheeks! [x-post r/ ImGoingToHellForThis]- NSFW
Surf n' Turf (NSFW) [x-post from /r/wtf]
MRW redditors hate on my posts and I just want good karma... NSFL
So my friends mom just posted this to her FB
Every time I see a double negative (i.e. Not NSFW) post
I Saw The Caped Cock And Lost My Shit. [X-post from r/wtf]
Every time a see a nsfw tag on a post at work.
Huffington post has some great gift ideas for mom! (mildly NSFW)
My thought to the Japanese Prank post
Gotta love the LA art scene.. (X-post /r/losangeles)
Kevin Smith posted this on a Facebook... a reminder to you singles that there's always
Whenever I see a text-based post tagged as NSFW...
Seems like every other NSFW post!
And for all of you posting your own no make up selfies, I tip my hat to thee. (Slightly
So I heard we're posting small manly things...I don't think it gets much more manly
I'm not sure if this is a re-post, but I think it's perfect. [nsfw]
Two separate posts on my front page...I couldn't help butt notice (that I'm horrible
Decided to give r/WouldYouFuckMe its first post.
My cousin posted a picture of his pit bull on Facebook today
Of all the posts in all of Reddit...
Answered an AskReddit post where someone asked what your best sex trick is. Mine
Kinda looks like Nicholas Cage. Cannot be unseen. (X-POST from r/SpaxeDicks)
Happy 4th you guys, my friend was too lazy to post this himself
Someone seems fed up with the "earn money from home" posts. NSFW (words)
Don't feel bad Don Diego (x-post /r/worldcup)
2010 Sauna Competition turns man into hard-boiled egg (NSFW/NSFL) [x-post /r/wtf]
MFW Im at a crowded dmv and I see a NSFW post...
(NSFW) My friend takes fantasy football very seriously (cross-post from r/fantasyfootball)