Op Post

I can see why the world trade center came down so easily. [auto-x-post - OP was presaging]
One of my teachers said this [auto-x-post - OP was Mknight15]
And still nobody does something [auto-x-post - OP was somethingXgood]
Whitewashing Israeli war criminal Ariel Sharon [auto-x-post - OP was Redhawk1000]
Makes me sick [auto-x-post - OP was XiKiilzziX]
Hello /r/conspiracy. Normally I don't visit this place, but I think that you people
Said 2000 years ago - eerie the lessons from history we ignore [auto-x-post - OP
The way Reddit consumes the recent anti-Russian propaganda without any thought is
Mexican Drug Lord's home after being raided [auto-x-post - OP was Orangutan]
Debt for everybody [auto-x-post - OP was BillyShilly]
A simple graphic showing U.S. government officials and their private-industry jobs.
You tell me? [auto-x-post - OP was timetorevolt]
Not sure I this belongs here but its sadly too true [auto-x-post - OP was Boomerman656]
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) "The largest corporate power grab you've never
The Simpsons knew it years ahead of us. [auto-x-post - OP was SeaRavenTX]
Russia did it on purpose [auto-x-post - OP was SelKriNin]
Trying to Get a License Plate Which Wakes People Up, What Do You Guys Think? [auto-x-post
Loretta Fuddy who OK'd Obama Birth Certificate - New evidence in Death Images [auto-x-post
Power [auto-x-post - OP was guitar1560]
Dianne Feinstein & NSA [auto-x-post - OP was gizadog]
There's something you don't see everyday. [auto-x-post - OP was lurch350z]
Tesla's scariest prediction [auto-x-post - OP was Mr-Strawman]
Any clue who they are? Showed up in Fargo ND today with the national guard [auto-x-post
Any one else see this massive chemtrail over western St. Louis today? [auto-x-post
A float made in Germany about Edward Snowden ever returning to the U.S. [auto-x-post
Facebook buying spambots on Reddit. [auto-x-post - OP was MonkahBoy]
Obama is afraid of nuke exploding in manhatten. Hopefully this is not foreshadowing.
I made you a gif, guys. Spread it like butter. [auto-x-post - OP was facereplacer2]
(Xpost /mapporn) Percentage of each state deemed "federal property" [auto-x-post
American Psycho discussion mirrors theme of mistaken identity in the film (also OP's
Moslims blazen kasteel op in Kortrijk, België (x-post /r/Belgium)
Who needs morals when you could have a husband first? (Not Op, also first post here
2 weeks post-op (top pic today)! Pics still look gross but I still have a long way
Ftm 22 150lbs 11.5 weeks post op phalloplasty after bath lounging
24 hours post-op
Two weeks post OP
Day 4 post - op srs mtf by Dr Kanit
Day 14 post op, extremely worried about dry skin / flaky / peeling skin on my glans,
1 Month Post Op
Stefanie Knight (IG@stefanieknight) (X-Post Not OP)
Chanelle Punton (IG@chanellepunton) (X-Post Not OP)
3 months post-op?
1 week post-op! Things are definitely fitting much better! ?? can’t wait to heal
2 days post op. Recovery is going well... is it weird that I want them bigger already?
Before: B cup. After: G cup with 560cc Allergan Natrelle Inspira Silicone soft touch
Update 3.5 weeks post-op tt, brachioplasty, and 360 lipo
Natalie Newman (IG@nataliennewman) (X-Post Not OP)
Yuna (IG@yuna_1_27)(X-Post Not OP)
Stefanie Knight (IG@stefanieknight)(X-Post Not OP)!
Angels in the afternoon (X-Post Not OP).