Superior Men

Another consideration you ladies should weigh is that if you, as females, publicly
If feminists want to have their own right to choose the man they consider most superior,
Another intellectually superior feminist who haughtily demands respect and reverence
Another trashy slut who thinks helping run feminism is running her own liberated
Another feminist, proving that, once liberated, women have superiority enough to
This is how feminism fights and terminates degradation and disrespect by males: by
So Maledom feminists: remember you may be feminists to inferior men; but, to a Superior
So there you have it: even if Men set a condition of inferiority, of submission and
she doesn't really need her Superior Man to respect her that much, cause she already
Summarily: Superior Man <<--- women <<--- inferior men
she's so superior and intelligent, that she could develop the science and technology
The perfect way of gaining inferior men's interest is saying bad, offensive and degrading
feminism: a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing,
So let the fantasy go on: only inferior men can believe women are as superior as
she will only allow you to treat her like the inferior being she actually is if you
Every gender equality defender aspires to be a superior Man woman. she only defends
If she has to undergo sex anyway in order to survive, because her biological inferiority
To inferior men she's a scientist. To a superior Man she's a cum dump. This is the
feminists only like Men who are superior to them
MD feminists, remember: amusing and physically pleasuring a superior Man is the greatest
A happy woman is a woman that is accepted by a superior Man. Here you have an example
she's a superior man-independent feminist; she doesn't need Men, she's not trying
feminists are perfectly ok with mistreatment and degradation; what they reject is
So who says women won't openly admit they're inferior? Openly behaving like fuck-meat
Male supremacy-hating feminists are only proud of being mistreated by Men who are
So feminists have learned well what their working strategy has to be: they will only
Another patriarchy-fighting patriarchy-worker showing us the great, powerful, wonderful,
Modern feminists are finally starting to understand that sex is just a demanding
By day she fights mistreatment to womyn by inferior men as a feminist; by night she
Another feminist qualifying at several levels of traditional roles set by superior
wymyn were not downgraded to lower social status by male oppression; but, instead,
All that dignity bullshit is just the excuse women use to not submit to inferior
Here you have another woman trying to be interesting to a superior Man, and trying
When a woman says she's strong and independent, she means the weakness is strong
No matter how feminist, EVERY woman aspires to have a superior male partner (good
The only female superiority is the one existing in the minds, inexperience and insignificance
So feminism, that movement that was created to fight Male supremacy and to prove
So real sex is women hurting, degrading, mistreating and destroying themselves to
The modern Internet is not Men debasing women: it's women debasing women. The reason
inferior men need to keep to the proper discipline in order to gain the infinite
This is why you'll never see a Male supremacy-hating feminist saying she prefers
So thanks to r/maledom feminists can now enjoy a nice compatibility between their
Why would men be so much stronger then cunts if they weren't supposed to be superior?
You'll hear no radical male supremacy-fighting feminist say she prefers for her or
You chant and march with tiki torches for white supremacy while your wife breeds
Even when fucking the rule applies: Hands on back. This gives Men the feeling of
We all have to do our part to please superior black men
It's amazing how sexually superior black men are. I'm not even half his size
Black men will always be sexually superior
Everyday more and more European girls discover that African men are sexually superior
Embracing the sexual superiority of black men
I know my only purpose is to please men. I know they are superior. I just hope to
My mouth, pussy and asshole only exist to please men, the superior gender.
Their mouths would drool at the thought of cucking the men closest to them with their
Everyday more and more European girls are introduced to the sexual superiority of
Nothing turns me on more than the thought of being a little asian whore sucking on
When an asian woman sees a group of superior white men
Found my brown sis sleeping like this, I hope superior white or black men with big
White jack of spades iso superior black men to serve