This Funny

This picture is worth over 9000 words. [NSFW]
This is why you never see an advertisement against the Wendy's Restaurant:
This is me learning to fly today for the first time. Got the Freddy Mercury meme
This is how women party ( Mildly-NSFW )
This is why you sleep naked!
this is the internet, nothing stays innocent
THIS is the moment my forearm was waiting for...
This sign is a dick
This is why I dont trust breakfast meats. (possibly nsfw)
This Lady Knows how to Draw Attention to her Bongos
This is what has bothered me most about reddit
This is why I don't play Draw Something with strangers anymore.
This is what happens when you cross the streams (NSFW)
This guy knows what Femen is all about (slightly NSFW)
This quite accurately sums up the situation with North Korea
this mascot has huge balls...
This guy was sitting in the restaurant with his back to the door [FIXED] (nsfw)
This is a really good idea!
This guy probably thought no one would ever be able to appreciate his lawn art.
This is not my phone...
This ESPN front cover looks like they pasted a woman's head onto naked man's body.
This is how Draw Something randomly scrambled my letters to guess 'Donut'
This is what i get for lurking r/FiftyFifty on peak reddit hours. NSFW
This guy is a real dickhead.
this is what the back page of the internet looks like
This guy is such a romantic poet. (NSFW)
This was on the restroom door today...
This is the Banana Bunker NSFW
This might be NSFW in the UK.
This is the only way to get blokes to spend as much time in the pub toilets as women...
This was in cringepics. I think it's hillarious! "Just remember...it was in
This perfectly sums up the American dream... (NSFW)
This is what we all want to see on tonight's annual Victoria's Secret "Fashion"
This popped up on my newsfeed.
This year's valentine's day
This gives me wood. (x-post from r/WTF)
This is supposed to be for kids
This popped up on my news feed NSFW
This came up in my newsfeed...wtf (NSFW)
This is not the time to be leveling...
This F*cking word...
This radio station needs Viagra. (Nsfw)
This guy is raging hard.
This morning the impossible happened. I got these two virgins open and ready to spread
This old man in the library...
This is the 6th hit on Google Images for "Boobs"
This Blow Pop display
This License Plate is NSFW
This is what happens when you subscribe to a wholesalers newsletter, continual disappointment.
This Christmas, get them what they've always wanted! (Slightly NSFW)
This ass took second place at the races
This quarter....
This intersection...(nsfw?)
This is the last thing I expected to see on an antique store
This guy caused mayhem for police yesterday.
This candy man came as decoration for our gingerbread house.
This was an actual scene in The Walking Dead.
This might be a third date kind of meal....
This way.