This Was Funny

Was looking at r/nsfw earlier and this came up...Giggity.
Was in Canadian Tire the other day, found this.  (NSFW)
Was thinking about heading to Japan this weekend, so I googled "Shit to do in
This just popped up on my facebook feed. He was snoring loudly
Was looking for a picture of a father and came across this. (NSFW)
Was watching glory "whole" porn and I noticed this (NSFW)
Was looking up how long 17" were in cm, and came across this. (NSFW-ish)
This is all i was thinking
Was on r/fiftyfifty, this is my new Chrome thumbnail for reddit
This question popped up on my friend's online Latin course. Didn't know school was
Was playing with my coworker's creativity cards and found this...
Was I the only one who saw this?
Was on Flipboard and saw this [Slightly NSFW]
This guy was a genius /NSFW
Was looking for a picture of Tom Cruise crying, when I see this. (NSFW)
Was looking up hair products when Amazon gave me this.... (slightly NSFW)
Was looking for a new boat on Kijiji and found this ad with one too many photos...
Was looking at Greek art, then this one stood out
Was watching some porn, when suddenly... Is this a thing now? [NSFW]
Was told to NOT post this in r/foodporn (possibly NSFW)
This my friends, was only a matter of time. [Possibly nsfw]
this dickhead was in my book... (NSFW)
Was browsing porn websites when this snapshot of a video appeared. She looks so unhappy.
This is why Snapchat was invented
Was watching Scrubs and paused it when my daughters were waking up. This is what
Was searching for images on "No More Nightmares" for a friend, came across
This guy was always a dick head in school. [NSFW]
This is how you know you've been on Reddit for a while.. (dark because my phone battery
This came up on Facebook. Thought it was worth sharing (maybe nsfw)
Was reading the article about the Justin Bieber's sentencing and then I saw this...
This stain in my mug was a little NSFW
This whole time I thought it was an innocent picture (nsfw)
This is all I ever see when the weather report comes on since I was a kid. Introducing:
Was watching a friend's wiener dog a while back. Woke up to this. (Slightly NSFW)
Was checking out global porn searches..I'm not sure how this is even possible.
This is not the Disney article I was looking for....
Was browsing quadcopter footage when I saw this. I think the Internet has ruined
Was hitting Random button in Urban Dictionary. When suddenly. This one did it. (NSFW-ish.
Was eating cherries when I saw this (maybe NSFW)
This girl was kidnapped by the guy but told her family to not rescue her
Was trying to find my way around in my game when I noticed this...
was feeding my 2 year old when this happened. possibly (nsfw)
Was about to have my "happy time" and then I saw this...
This is what your friend was dreaming about on his pony ride.
Was bummed about working all night this Halloween, girlfriend surprised me with a
Was Google Image searching anal fissures when this happened. [NSFW]
Was Google Image searching anal fissures when this happened. [NSFW]
Was riding behind this feminist elitist
This dessert was shaped like something familiar. (nsfw-ish)
Was looking up how to get rid of canker sores and found this gem
This dollar bill was in one of our registers today..
Was cutting the skin off of some kiwis this morning when..
Was making art work with my 6 year old and he wanted me to burn the edges of his
Was using /r/random today to find more subreddits to subscribe to and stumbled across
This sign was in a bar's toilet in Beijing
This is the ugly Christmas sweater I made. I apologize for the lack of boob or chest
Was on Porn Hub when this girl from I curly popped up.