
I don't think it'll be English classes
I usually don't enjoy Facebook posts but holy Christ is this a new level of sleaziness.
People on my friends list have almost no shame. (Possibly NSFW)
moonlighting as a fb hooker, keepin it classy
That's not what I think it is, is it!?
Please no...So wrong.
Popped up in my news feed...WTF ಠ_ಠ [NSFW]
My 50 some year old aunt just posted this...
Are you fucking kidding me?
I don't even...*sigh*
"Porn star much?"
...what? [NSFW nudity and language]
no hope in my generation
My 13 year old brother was tagged in this picture. Can we get a translator?
He's Ratchet
Haters gonna hate
Like if you think this is sad
Uh.. You realize this is public, right?
Parkor is some dangerous shit [NSFW]
This is the kind of things that make me mad..(semi-
Do people really not know that everyone can see this..
Facebook Gold showed up, Yes, rats...
One of the many sources of this shit.[NSFW]
I'm waiting for finished product
Well, that escalated quickly.
Slowly losing faith in humanity. #Cut4Bieber (Twitter) Could not think of anywhere
"I call it Usain Bolt"
First Mistake of 2013 - Fixed
A "quality" FB post....I think I'm going to be sick.
Facebook delivers. Translation in comments NSFW if you read it...
I'll just upload some porn and tag a friend in it.
Previous coworker believes/promotes pyramid and multi-level marketing scheme, Vemma,
That's great... NSFW
Me trying to find a subletter for the next school term...
Slut confusion. [NSFW]
Throwback Thursday! [NSFW]
[NSFW] I didn't know gonewild was coming to facebook
...and with that being said
Extremely trashy post on facebook. Two women fighting over a cheating man. Naked
Breakfast surprise for her 22nd birthday. Everyone agrees they look like penises.
He's too nice. Get off his dick.
When I commented and said it was pretty douchey to put her sister on blast like that
I have 2 Idiots on Facebook who will soon be deleted who are always sharing racist
Buddy just sent me this from the live porn feed.
How to take your attention whoring game up a notch.
Man clicks on porn only to be met with...porn?
My mom doesn't really think things through when she shares things with me sometimes
God apparently turned him from black to white
Just weeks after being banned from most mainstream media sites, Alex Jones accidentally
Someone wasn’t paying attention to the photos he added.
That phishing scam didn't go so well
Trying to figure out the sex of kittens
Off course, that's totally how vegetarians have sex
Local buy & sell. Reflections are still a thing.