
My sister's accurate description of my new Pretzal. I didn't get it at first until
A condom can hold 4.5 gallons of water before it pops.
Road trip!
Turn to the dark side!
Ordered this amazing piece of work a couple of days ago, so excited!
What's your favorite BD?
Yea, I'm looking at you
[F]un with Apollo MIC
Tried getting Cole's knot in my ass today! At least I had [f]un...
My Ass is Ready!
Large Nox 1st Time Out
Fun with Rex
My Collection has grown a bit...
My first bad dragons
It finally came (and so will I) my custom Nova!
Stuffed [F]ull
I tried to [f]ollow the rainbow but can't get past red so far.
About to lose my BD virginity ?
The smaller ones are fun too ;)
Just the tip - for now
[MtF]ucked by Flint
L/S Opal Ika came in! It is now the crown jewel of my collection ??
When you’re in need to ride the steed
I got it! So pretty~~
no one asked which toy i was using on my first post :(
I am the chosen one?Neon Marble M/M Chance Unflared
Giving my new S/M Dexter his (f)irst chance to prove himself worthy!
u/Marcznb knows how to treat me right T_T
My collection is getting cramped ??
My recent toy haul has me hoping that I didn't develop a case of eyeslargerthanholesitis
XL Cole is Comically Huge
Finally got it and had to take a pic showing my love for Mustangs.
My first toy just arrived. He IS fat...
i[m] all filled up :)
L/M Fenrir in Essence arrived today! The knot is... wow
Is my collection big enough to be called a horde yet?
Smol soft Ika friend
A few years ago my package was destroyed in transit. I still sometimes imagine the
Playtime with Mundir [Non-BD]
Kelvin is just chillin inside me, i love this bad boy ?
Two lovely ladies and (m)yself~~
My first Orochi is here! Absolutely in love with this pour!
Missed out on the other pastel Orochi the other day, but grabbed this one instead.
I put all Suction Cup and Cumtube options in one place! Green means it's an option,
We love a challenge
My sleipnir is my favorite