Funny Porn

Rick Santorum Porn (Look Closer)
The female anatomy before I discovered porn...
Futurama porn? Why not Zoidberg? NSFW
So I was watching porn in the middle of watching Lost and then this happened...
Probably the most artistic porn ad I've ever seen. Likely NSFW
One of the best SFW Porn pictures. Just take one look at that woman..
Which one of you did this to my porn?(NSFW)
Silly porn [NSFW]
So I met a famous ghost on a porn website, and she's in my area!
Trying to look at porn... then that Scene Wolf hair appears! NSFW
derp porn
This is what porn has done to men [NSFW]
I just came to this realization (NSFW, grammar porn)
Zoo Porn [NSFW]
Remember demotivational posters? Never thought I'd see this one on a porn site [NSFW]
These porn site ads have become more of internet-joke easter eggs... [NSFW]
Whale Porn [NSFW]
The very essence of food porn. This is the chicken fillet I just put in the oven.
Most socially awkward porn i've ever seen (Screenshots)
What porn looked like when I was a kid (a little NSFW)
spam porn win
Some porn sites need to choose their automated messages more carefully
Oh the things you find to the right of your porn. NSFW
I guess dogs watch porn too...
Looks like I found Donkey Kong porn.
I just wanted too watch some porn [nsfw]
A comic I drew about Batman and gay porn. Slight NSFW.
Anime or Regular porn
what i think of when i see this position in porn
Racist porn
You watch too much porn
Let's talk about porn. slightly [NSFW]
Awkward porn comments.  (Maybe Nsfw)
What bugs me the most about porn sites..
I Found Stallone's First Porn Video.
While browsing for some alone time... I noticed the same porn act but in black and
What's porn?
Allan works in porn too?
These porn ads are confusing me. (NSFW)
Good Guy Porn Ad (NSFW)
Fucking porn ads.
One man's porn comments [NSFW]
Those porn chats are starting to get weird. [nsfw]
(NSFW) Porn sites are getting more intelligent on how to attract redditors.
Things not to say when doing porn NSFW
Browsing Porn Comments When Suddenly... [NSFW]
The World's Biggest Porn Star (NSFW)
Even on porn sites...... (NSFW?)
does anybody else find the descriptions for porn videos as hilarious as i do? (sorta
WTF did I just see? (Warning Porn) NSFW
So I was watching some porn and then this jackass appeared.
If consumption of porn makes one a nerd, I'm a bigger nerd than I thought.
(NSFW) Me watching porn
Emma Watson is doing porn now! Thanks Google! [NSFW]
French Porn is garbage
Just watching HIMYM and surfing porn and suddenly......
These porn ads are not even trying anymore.