
Anon comes out as gay
Anon talks about buttsex
Anon doesn't know about the unique comment tags.
Anon needs some cleaning advice (NSFW)
Anon starts a prego thread
Anon's girlfriend owes him
Anons share interesting facts about Norway and Muslims
Anon goes to an orphanage
Anon has a crazy hot incest encounter
Anon /b/aits a predator
Anon gets advice on how to deal with pregnancy
Anon gets a small business up and running
Anon gets raped
Anon rates a grill /10. Turns out he's literally a faggot (big surprise...)
Anon wonders what he is...
Anon asks a question about the female anatomy [NSFW]
Anon finds an old fleshlight.
Anon shows a REAL cock
Anon finds out who his sister is.
anon makes a point NSFW
anon remembers steve jobs
anon is gonna fuck a black girl
Anon's trolling is backfired
Anon Enjoys a Prostate Exam
Anon seeks help writing a speech
Anon wants to be rated.
Anon finally gets Chads approval
Anon gets laid
Anon steals his girlfriend's panties
Anon watches an ejaculation
Anon proves he is high test
Anon has 10 seconds
Anon in the Nintendo World Championships (NSFW)
Anon comments on new ted movie
Anon has a creative touch
Anon is a Transvestite
Anon gets shut down NSFW
Anon's semen disposal
Anon is an idiot.
Anon explains an excerpt from an adult visual novel.
Anon has an ugly daughter
Anon wants his bead cleaned up
Anon has a confused sexuality.
Anon shares some pics
Anon gets FINGERED™
Anon makes a dub bet
Anon has butt hair
Anon gasses hinself
Anon and his gf are high [NSFW]
Anon makes a good point.
Anon is done with jannies
Anon is proud of his beautiful family
Anon [F] (Spirale)