
I received a message from a guy on a dating site. I checked out his profile and found
Someone tries to get shares from Bill Gates' AMA picture and tips it off with a terrible
I only wanted cheese on my pasta...
Rope play?
I would've posted this to /r/wtf, were it not for their posting rules. Just... I
Viewing some online dating profiles when suddently... (slightly NSFW)
First week of college. [fixed]
Between the banana hammock, the fauxhawk, the jersey-shore tan, or the daily affirmation,
just watching the VMA's... NSFW
Girl sets up tripod and pretends she is asleep
Found this on my instagram this morning
i have nothing to say to this.
All the crigne [x-post /r/4chan]
It was reedit meetup [NSFW]
Casually discussing sleeping with family members in the comments
With offers this hot coming in five minutes after I give a boy my number, I'm kicking
I went to High School with this girl. She dropped out, willingly had a kid with her
My buddy and I are real classy.
This makes me want to delete my account...
A girl just posted this to Facebook for all to see. She's white.... (NSFW)
A bit old but still.
He does this about once a week...
Asleep fa god sake
What the Fuck Facebook? NSFW NSFW
"diamond cock couture" kinda [NSFW]
I sometimes post NSFW stuff. Sometimes, idiots think every sub is r/Gonewild
Youtuber who 'trolls' by pretending to be a girl ,'Pranks' a guy on twitter by showing
Friend accidentally shot himself with a spear gun NSFW
[NSFW] They say sex sells.
[NSFW] Attack on titan fan fiction
Gumtree (Australia's Craiglist) seller tries to be poetic selling a 2nd hand desk
Brony sex doll - Someone actually had to make this with the intention to market it
Naked Attention Seeking Bitch on Facebook
anyone hungry?
anyone hungry??
[NSFW] At least it's not a selfie.
The shit I see on my newsfeed [NSFW]
OKCupid has some grade A guys
[NSFW] Girl posts photo of ex going down on her, for Facebook likes.
NSFW: Someone on Facebook posted a picture of their baby on Facebook. Should I be
<3 Horse
Nsfw crazy guy at uni sends me creepy pic
mmmmm pink nipples (nsfw)
[NSFW] Pornhub profile of guy who goes to my local tattoo shop.
False advertising at its finest.
My fucking uncle [NSFW]
Don't ever get "X champions" tattoos on your body. 9/10 times, it'll blow
When bae asks you to watch hentai with her
His page was a ride from start to finish(NSFW?)
My friend posted this to Facebook today...
For her safety
"The Accommodator"
The Comments on NSFW subs
My friends has been getting theses very subtle snaps...