Funny Post

Censorship causes blindness (NSFW self-x-post from pics)
One of the funnier posts I've seen
Cleverbot Roleplays Foreplay [/cleverbot x-post ]
Check out Kris Jenner post facelift! (NSFW)
How I feel when I see NSFW on posts while browsing reddit at work
Bitch, I've got 30 dicks (X-post from /r/spacedicks) (nsfw)
My girlfriend was too timid to create an account and post this herself. So here is
For my 2nd Reddit B-Day, I figured I should at least post some bologna for karma.
Possibly the best ad for the help with shaving post.
This statue appeared in Vancouver a few days ago. Posted in r/pics, thought I'd share
[NSFW] The dude's got class, he died happy anyway. (x-post) FunnyandSad
She said she would tell my sister I wore her panties if I didn't post this here
The werewhore [x-post]
Haven't posted in a while
Highly inappropriate picture from today I'll post here on reddit
Friend got in a car accident and posted selfies of after. I made this NSFW
Browsing top posts on Alien Blue. Wait a minute...
Just Godzilla enjoying a post-apocalyptic brew! (Possible NSFW)
Suggestive snowman posted by university account
So my friend posted some vacation photos today
Friend on Instagram posted this... NSFW
Things Girls Say ( x-post from /r/tinder )
So we're posting pictures of our usernames now? NSFW
My first post: A fine piece of art seen at the WW2 Museum in NOLA
A friend of mine just posted this on Facebook. I had to do a serious double-take.
There's two types of posts on Reddit [NSFW]
Recently posted at my uni
Since its my cake day I figured I would post something I know Reddit loves. (NSFW?
Dude accidentally posts his nsfw sex request to his prayer group. Country goes crazy
I think Jake's REALLY happy to see Finn. (X-post from r/adventuretime)
Cake day, obligatory post, whatever.
There are two kinds of NSFW posts...
Someone just posted this to FB. It didn't stay up long
[NSFW] My girlfriend's dad just sent her a photo of his staples post-surgery on his
Facebook Felon Comments on Police post (Stolen from /r/Protectandserve)
Facebook Most Liked and Shared Posts
NSFW - A friend posted his fan art of Donald Trump on Facebook
Borderline NSFW posts
Judging by the success of my recent posts
Local baseball team posted this picture from their pool party. NSFW
Donald Trump. If you upvote this post, when someone Google searches Donald Trump
Checked Karma Decay on a post wasn't expecting that [NSFW]
When your bae gets the door (x-post /r/gameofthrones)
I lost a dare and have to post an embarrassing photo.
A man's got to have his priorities [x-post /r/pokemongo]
My friend dared me to let her take this photo, and post it for free drinks
These two posts line up perfectly, yum yum.
[WALKING DEAD SPOILER] I dont know which subreddit to post it. "Is it just me
Two posts, one reference
My uncle posts the weirdest stuff on facebook
When your VA incorrectly translates and posts on social media
In light of all the awesome and amazing pumpkin carvings being posted lately I thought
Actual screen shot I got from Yahoo! News last year. I wonder what happened to the