Random Acts

[Gifted] FatNerdGuy - Have fun! xx Debauchery Fairy
[THANKS] debauchery fairy!!!  I can't wait to play now!
[GIFTED] VKTI, because science.
A big [thanks] to vvingnut! My nsfw stuff came and brought me a smile on a night
[Thanks] CampBenCh for the new toy from your spree! nsfw
[Gifted]Awkwardlittleturtle 3nd place in NSFW Flash contest.
[Thanks] Sorry it's belated! It's banana bread (serpantcroissant), movie (cinnamoeba),
[Thanks] thank you, again, Random452 for my first DD bra .. I was so unsure I would
[THANKS] SOOOO MUCH for the wonderful NSFW Contest winnings Quietly_Alice I received
[thanks] for the wonderful toy (nsfw toy)
[Thanks] Matronix for the fishnets! NSFW
[Thanks] Rissabel for the chocolate paint! Looking forward to it ;) (nsfw ish)
[Thanks] samantha_pants for the NSFW gift! It's so comfortable! :) you're so sweet.
[Thanks]carissakayb for my first NSFW gift!
[Gifted] alexdegruven--it's not much, but it didn't appear you'd been gifted yet
[Thanks] several people for the laser finger beams, the blackhead remover, and LION
[Gifted] PinkBuffalo. These look useful.
[Gifted] pony_hawk. I guess you're getting mp3s today.
[Gifted] thewonandonly. Sorry about your vase. From 0hfuck, qwil & qizi
[Thanks] EmeryXCI for The Prestige! I love this film! I wonder what they're looking
[Thanks] MeghanAM for the NSFW gift. It's very pretty!
[Gifted] chemcalfarmr -- Something you really talked about wanting. Thank you for
[Gifted] 0hfuck. From thewonandonly & qizi
[Thanks] scrumtrelescent for the mp3. Though the comment is slightly nsfw, haha.
[GIFTED] From my NSFW Contest. Cupcake_Kat is the winner!!
[Thanks] glanmiregirl for the Hound figure! He kicks butt, just like you will in
[Thanks] camidono. The eggs are going into good hands
[Thanks] Draco_Dormiens for this "bracelet"? (NSFW)
[Thanks] for the deodorant, pony_hawk! Now I'm easy like Sunday mooorning.
[Thanks] IDFKwhereGilliganIs for the personal massager, it's awesome!! NSFW
NSFW [Thanks] /u/kerensky2202 for the smexy cheeky panties!!!
[Gifted] ssj4cage, third winner of my "Who wants to win some games?" contest
[Gifted] to Yokuo for winning my NSFW "This one time, at band camp" contest!
[Gifted] ihaveplansthatday, because you're amazing :)
[Thanks]go out to thee one and only p0rtable_cuntflap...
[Thanks] for the mp3, Kalanz! I had this song stuck in my head all day yesterday.
[Gifted] /u/dragonflyjen something NSFW because frisky.
[Thanks] fuckmeblind for the new toy! I'm not going to lie, I'm kind of scared to
[Thanks] CoastieThaMostie We haven't had a chance to try them out .... yet....
[Gifted] Get, Get Your Freak On! Winner of my NSFW Contest!
[Gifted] ladybrowncoat. Sexy.
[Gifted] ladybrowncoat. Sexy.
[Thanks], mysterious donkey pit! ?!
[Thanks] freedlvry for the NSFW gift!
[Thanks!] xMyNameIsPatrickx for the sexy NSFW outfit O.O
[gifted] a couple people from my NSFW contest
[Gifted] rbasov, for a great NSFW joke!
[Thanks] Ottiecat for the "sleep mask"
[Thanks] [NSFW] Buzz buzz! Thanks for the new toy, keydude87!
[thanks] frytanya for the cute crop top ?
[thanks] ZombieKilgore for letting me play with bewbs
[Thanks] for the underwear, bow tie, and curious looks from my mother about why a
[Thanks] /u/Detached09 for fueling my sock addiction. (Sorry for the rainbow junk,
[Thanks] mods for these snarky socks!
[Gifted] Jonesno11 a lighter thing? NSFW
NSFW [Thanks] ky for making me feel sexy as I cook
[Thanks] [Exchange] Do you ever feel so thrilled that you feel like butterflies are