
This just showed up on my News Feed....WTF?!
I hate my generation. (NSFW)
I do so hope that this is what she meant (NSFW)
ಠ_ಠ.... What....?
By liking a photo, you prevent the sharing of photos, right?
Because animal cruelty makes me yawn. (Possibly NSFL)
Somebody has their priorities straight (possibly NSFL)
This is just ridiculous...
Wow talk about being a dick to a friend.
Child abuse, oh... wait
Oh god. Seriously, what the actual f*ck?! [NSFL]
Its shit like this that a friend of mine likes...
Do people not realize we can see what you like on fb?
I don't think Facebook is the proper place to put a gay threesome....(NSFW)
It's shit like this facebook
No words
My 59 year old mother was tagged in this... Seriously?
I don't think he knows it's public... [NSFW]
This crap is just rediculous[nsfw-ish]
Sooo I found this...
Brave Souls [NSFW]
1.She's 13 2. WTF facebook why do you allow this?
I wonder if they know Facebook is public.... [NSFW]
"My dog knows how to please his bitch"
Just logged in to check my messages, when suddenly...this. [NSFW]
This was on my news feed...
If you do this, shame on you.
Now that's what I call a sticky situation
This girl tattoo'd a brand... on her ass (More info in comments)
Friend "accidently" uploaded this (NSFW)
"I feel like Helen Keller"
Facebook user shares his vast medical experience...
Magic [slightly nsfw]
Went through my old HS email. Dear first bf who I haven't talked to in years, do
True love never dies.
i'll see you in a few days baby...
"My friend told me she never had an organism"
Yolo. Thank god. NSFW
....what O_o
Ppl of WalMart: Roseburg, OR Ed. (NSFW)
Finally caught someone messing up on my wall. [NSFW]
The "Camel Toe Challenge" is here.
Thank God it's an unnecessary organ!
"I think you are very attractive." What an introduction!
[Potentially NSFW] Didn't expect this when I got on Facebook tonight
Pro Tip:Be Careful When Taking Pictures Of Mirrors
No more Mr. nice slut!
Always check the background before uploading a picture.
Person dies in horrific accident - time to call people weaklings!
These same people want to defund planned parenthood.
That's one way to have the talk with your kids I guess.
Not another fucking dress [NSFW]
NSFW: Warning: graphic images (The Guardian app)