L.o.l. Yaoi

Shh... [My Hero Academia](@wengwengchim)
Cake & Drinks (@mosilll)
Ready for the next match? ?(Laosmut aka Laovaan)
The TikTok Towel Challenge (@LStrikesArt)
Josuke & Rohan share the shower (Cdash817) [JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]
Where's the MAP? (azraelsanti)
Hottest sex scene I've read so far!
Shoto x2 (Riffraff aka @riffraffhellyea)
Dominant Lio (Kukumomo aka @Kukumomoart)
First Date Jitters (Joltikon)
I agree with the other guy, here's some more G'raha
Glow Up (Nika aka @niikkaa_0)
Summer Vacation (@BobaFiish)
Got Milk? (@lingxingxiao)
Tiger in a cage.
Spooktober mood ?
Keith x Shiro by Lehanan.
Tan Lines (@kaged640)
Cute glasses by チッチチ?腐成人向
Voltron threesome I needed in my life.
Whatever this fantasy sex is, I love it.
Akira x Ryo by Sakimichan.
Surprise Sleepover! (kei1_833 aka @kkk_xxxxxxx)
Up and down (artist request)
RinHaru from Free!
Little Red Riding Whore.
Prompto x Noctis from FF ♥
This is so beautiful. Hinata and Kageyama from Haikyuu.
A Day at the Beach (Mose aka @mosilll)
Good boy ♥
Art by Reddblush.
Bakudeku extra hot.
For those that wanted more Spiderman x Deadpool :)
There's little Yuri on Ice on this sub lately, so...
Trans Awareness (Night/Shade Visual Novel)
It's kinda true (Yamito aka @@yamitoxxxxx)
Snow Smooch (Skai aka @ACatNamedSkai)
Heart Racing (Gif version)(@shibayuji003)
Caught (leehanji aka @leehanjiart)
Knock First (Kaito Draws aka @Kt08ARA)
Lazy day in bed (@CaiotheVici)
He's cranky without sleep (bikku aka @bikku__2)
Angels need cuddles too (@nonomo__)
Spaghetti doesn't stay straight when things get hot (@yuzamaple)
"I want a cute femboy to sit on my face while I play Pokémon mystery dungeons"
All wet (@nori31291404)
Kiss and a hug
Seaside skating (littleskrib aka @littleskrib)
Afternoon delight
Boys night (Chippolyta aka @chippolyta)
Snuggles (@oyasai_tmt)
It's never too early to start building muscle (memeo1105 aka @memeo1105)
The air-conditioning doesn't work in the summer (@WashDraw)
They're on a coffee break ? (@nsfwkrnd)
Tadashi's top secret project ? (Schizoid aka @schizoid_art)
Caught in the rain (@choiqiqi)