Superior Men

Women only admit and gift their own inferiority to a superior man, logically. And
Another feminist so superior that she doesn't need to attract Men.
So you know why are gender equality defenders hypergamous? Because if they preferred
MD feminists, remember that the amusement and pleasure of the superior Man that mercifully
A real superior Man mistreats every woman who begs Him for it. MD Gentlemen, remember:
Another feminist trying to make inferior men jealous of how much she helps her superior
This feminist got want she wanted from her superior Man and now she proudly smiles
[Xpost /r/twoxsex] What are all the reasons that women are the superior sex and therefore
MD Gentlemen, wymyn use feminism to deal with and get rid off those inferior men
female inferiority is real, but its specific & necessary space of reality
My latina wife doesn't like latino men like me; she prefers choking on superior white
ATTENTION WHITE DEVIL WHORES: Kill your white pathetic husbands and allow yourself
This is a gift to all the white men for being superior to me