
Episode 6 Spoiler: Those smiles.
Eddie's miss during the Immunity challenge (minor spoilers)
Check out the game my roommates and I are playing.
After reading everyone's thoughts on the twists for Blood vs. Water, this seems to
Scumbag Colton (redundant, I know)
Did anyone else see Vytas' tweet?? Possible spoilers
The "Brains" Tribe [SPOILER]
Took the perfect "crazy-eyes" screenshot of someone without realizing it,
[Player] hates [player] so much, there could be a bitter blindside
[spoiler] Anybody think these two look alike?
All I could think of while Woo was describing is run-in with the papaya tree
Spoiler in Trailer? [Spoilers from last episode & Next Week Spoilers]
Title card for Season 29
I am the author of my own horrendous tattoos!
The new flag, post merge
MRW I saw who got voted out S29E09.
I loved these players' reactions to the food reward in this secret scene.
Season 30: Worlds Apart Buffs are revealed!
Me every time I see Nina from now on
[SPOILERS] Jeff never looked more satisfied as he read the final vote.
My favourite faces from this week's tribal
Terry Deitz just joined twitter today, and this is the "followers you know"
Joof Proobst's Episode 8 Cartoon [SPOILERS]
Episode 9 Cartoon: Popularity Edition [SPOILERS]
Dan Foley: Danimal in the Wild (Album) [NSFW?]
What the people on the Street are Saying 5/21/2015 (Spoilers from Finale)
Immunity Challenge Puzzle
[spoiler] about the challenge
Updated and probably irrelevant overview of Xfinity aligns (spoilers for new tribes)
Varner saying hello to Cambodia
Did anyone else notice how dangerous this was for....?
Darrah from Pearl Islands says...
Screenshot of the challenge from next week's preview
Is this not the saddest image ever
TMW two of your favorites vote together.
Trying to decide who to vote out...
_____ did it!
[SPOILERS] uses their finishing move
Keith's Ball Savviness
Kaoh Rong Merge Buff (An Accidental Spoiler by Planet Buff)
_____'s Happy Dance
Who wants to play Leonardo DiCaprio from the Revenant or Liz's Staph infection? (Gory)
Hey Stephanie Valencia! What do you think is going to happen at Tribal Council? ((SPOILER))
Predicted boot order charts I make after the merge
I'm surprised she actually tweeted this
[AUS] People's inability to make decisions..
I just remember who__ reminds me of!! (Spoilers)
[Spoilers] I think _______ has taken their elimination pretty well.
WTF is happening in the CBSStore
TFW you've just been wrecked by Hurricane Debbie [NSFW]
Does anyone know what Varner is referencing here?
This one goes out to everyone on this sub