This Funny

This is possibly the funniest/worst Facebook rape I've ever seen [NSFW]
This just happened...(Possibly NSFW)
This is why I don't go anywhere with my gf...
This went past on my Tumblr account - I lost. [NSFW]
This is posted out in the lab at my work
This will look good in a few decades!
This is what happens when you invite two very different groups of friends to a party
This dude's partying.
This is the worst thing I've lauged at recently
This came up in my newsfeed a little while ago
This is sweeping the nation...
This spam made me laugh today
this was my friends birthday present
This guy has been on my Facebook's 'People You May Know' list for two months now.
This is how my friend tells me happy birthday on facebook. [NSFW]
This happy man is a piece of lawn furniture?  NSFW 
due to naked woman
This can not be unseen. (NSFW)
This is definition of photobomb
This week on shit that never happened.. [NSFW]
this popped up on my facebook news feed a few minutes ago... [NSFW]
this made me chuckle. (Slightly NSFW tiny thumbnail)
This just popped up my my facebook dashboard (NSFW)
This is quite a contradiction. [slightly NSFW]
This guy is my new hero
This is a game I might wanna play. I present: Call of Booty-	Modern Whorefare. [nsfw]
THIS is what my town is famous for. [nsfw]
This guy ran for the school board in a town within my state. He's a fine gentleman
This is why we can't have nice things...
This is why wearing underwear is important (nudity)
This popped up on Facebook today
This is how things in my life play out. (NSFW)
This is what my generation has to offer, the bar keeps getting lower.
This Font Is Called "Cocksure"
This picture just showed up in my Facebook feed - When you see it (Looks NSFW but
This guy was touching himself in public.
This is how my friend's neighbour was shovelling snow after the 43 cm snowstorm in
This happened. Possible [NSFW]
This is a normal way to pose for a profile picture.. (fb) (nsfw)
This is how I get all the girls! (possibly NSFW)
This is reddit in one picture
This was my bag-of-dicks costume last year. I was the baguettes kind.
This year's masterpiece
This Warning Sign needs some Editing :)
This new banner at my local Carls Jr
This guy is making an ass out of himself
This tattoo
This is NOT discreet fleshlight packaging (x-post r/pics)
This is NOT a proper position to perform CPR...
This plaque at work
This [NSFW] license plate
This is surprisingly the perfect antonym.
This guy won by just a tip today! (NSFW)
This tree :)
This is the thanks you get when you try to thank Will Smith on the anniversary of
This male fruit my girlfriend found.
This guy
This is my son's way of telling me he wants to be an only child