Random Acts

[THANKS] To the Debauchery fairy! I can't wait to try this baby out :D (lol was pointed
[Gifted] captainalana NSFW chain contest :)
[Thanks!] nathalienewman for the NSFW chain contest ;)
[THANKS] msheaven For my new awesome book that my bf and I will read and learn from.
[Thanks] Cthylla for the awesomely foul mouthed obscene word magnets and _Captain_
NSFW [Thanks] Thank you very much kalanz. bzz bzz
[Thanks] for the MP3, vanillawafercaper!
[Thanks] for the gold, NamesNotCrindy!
[THANKS] I got two surprises in the mail today. I have no idea ho got them for me,
[Thanks] kerensky2202 for the prizes from your super awesome NSFW contest! You made
[Thanks] nahcabmA for the ropes! :)
[Thanks]! For the NSFW gift... I don't even know haha
[Thanks] Sillygirlsarah - I know it wasn't on my NSFW list - but I am sure that it
[Thanks] 8bitesq for the sexy new book! (NSFW? :P)
[Thanks] faithnna for the body stocking and the baby batsignal!
[thanks] /u/unicorndanceparty for the clone a willy! I wanted to take a photo of
[Gifted] ladybrowncoat. Sexy.
[Thanks] /u/matrixknight88 for my cat ears. Rawr. ;)
[Thanks]Tetchy, I'm really enjoying this book so far! Thank you :)
[Thanks]Pizzapizzapocket for the "camping" rope lol NSFW
[Thanks] kortekickass for my super awesome movie and Mr. Potato head nose-and-smile
[thanks] for the funs computerbyte :)
[Thanks] for CAH! You're the best ❤️
[Thanks] Hamsterfarm for the Gift!
[Gifted] TheOneTrueLala i guess i make you horny too
[Thanks] for the Gronking, nacho_cheezus!
[Thanks] Kyrie for giving me crabs
[Thanks] MrA1Sauce for helping me get blown
[Thanks] Kyle for giving me what I needed
[Gifted] TimeLoveandYarn, I guess the next RAOA gifting trend is raccoon penile bones..
[Gifted] Yokuo for mad libs.. (story inside..soon)
[GIFTED] Armchairjedi66, Cuz awesome wives and daughters! Also, Dinos, poop, princess
[Gifted] Pengaween a SFW item, to be used in a NSFW manner
[Gifted] adiposehysteria, for my [NSFW] contest... with added NSFW funnies...
[thanks] for cutie two shoes
[Gifted] sunshineNfundip some candies
[Gifted] MrsHouse19 The NSFW Fairy strikes again!
[Thanks] lilabug15 for the lingerie ?
[Gifted] cupesdoesthings, How can you love someone else, if you dont love yourself
[Gifted] Potentialpeach NSFW
[Gifted] The Imperial guard wears red right?
[Gifted] Give in to the dark side and embrace the power
[Thanks] For the sexy bits of fabric!
[Gifted] trophywife1031, im glad i could give you a little head
[Gifted] /u/dalenakitty Encouragement contest winner!
[Gifted] u/bethanndehart a therapy massager!
[Gifted] u/Bratmomjad an alien sucking machine
[Gifted] nacho_cheezus because your morning sucked today [NSFW] I think?
[Thanks] for this great reminder! I really love it!