Mod Posts

Verification [m]e please mods?  also, first time post. :)
Was asked by a mod to post here... hope you guys like my track uni(f)orm shorts as
The face pic to keep my posts legal. Love you mods!
Apparently, you HAVE to post your veri[f]ication pics, even though the mods have
2nd post got deleted by mods so here it is again fixed
Just a question to the mods. Thanks. [auto-x-post - OP was turtlehead501]
[M]y First Post for the Ladies of Reddit - (and I hope the Mods are cool with it
I forgot the date on my Verification post. I always have trouble getting dates! ;)
This is for people who post at r/australia, not for the people here, you need no
Kinda ashamed of my soft dick (what man isn't except for guys that are huge) I also
[S3 spoilers] I know mods don't like captioned images but I had to post this one
Notice me senpai (x-post /r/shitty_car_mods)
[F]The mods took my post down for no verification! Problem solved!
Quick! Mods are asleep! Post pictures of clunkoclunkoclunko!
NSFW when the mods delete your post for not having a caption and not being marked
The mods are asleep... Post gore
MRW the Mods start getting a little handsy with my posts.
Removed every 3 minutes - Posted every 5 ..Thanks Mods NOT
Heyy, I’m the mod of this subreddit. I’m 22 and from Zurich. I’m in an open
The mods are asleep. Let's post ISIS hentai
Been posting for years, I'm out thanks to mod harassment
Will this work? Other post got removed by "mods" instantly. Who is she?
Date cancelled, ?? Mods don't cancel my first post
I got permentanly banned from r/growyourclit because one of the mods was mad I'm
Why onlyfans now allowed!?!? It was voted NOT to allow. Now, a lot of Onlyfans are