
My supermans needed to come off and I wanted to test this camera...
Megan Fox as Superman
My new Superman outfit.
This week's Injustice (#30) was a fun Superman flashback. (Injustice spoilers!)
Aww they're playing superman!
Thinking about the New Gods and Earth 2 a lot and I think I know a secret about evil
Favorite Page From Superman #32
Arms out like Superman
Might as well show my eyes in better light. The superman blues
Introducing...Lois Lane V2 - Superman/WonderWoman #17 Spoilers
Is 34 too old for superman pjs?
Wonder Woman still hates necks. [Superman-Wonder Woman #19]
Can I be your Superman? (turned 18 yesterday ;)
Batman vs superman...undies ;) Warning: big hairy guy
Any Superman (f)ans?
My Superman man jocks. Check out where his fist is. Haha. Comments welcome
Can I Be Your Superman?
Do you like my Superman boxer?
Batman vs Superman
Batman vs Superman this Friday!!?❤?
The movie did awesome on opening weekend, so I wore my Superman panties today! :)
Batman vs Superman
Scary Sight (Superman #1)
[spoilers] First look at Superman
[Injustice: Ground Zero #20] Injustice Superman is BRUTAL (spoilers)
Supergirl doing lines off Invisible Woman's ass [Superman, Fantastic Four, Marvel,
Practicing my Superman pose
Batman vs Superman
Power Girl’s wet and ready (ThePublishingMan and Amanda Conner) [Superman]
Superhero traps - Power girl & Catwoman (Modeseven) [Superman, Batman]
Power Girl fucked by Darkseid (CHOBIxPHO) [Superman]
Is it a bird? Is it a plane?? No Its Bethany Rose in a superman hoodie!
[F]eelin cute with my superman shirt