The Things I Would Do

This is the first thing we all know we would do if we got a portal gun [FTFY]
[m] Sometimes when i wake up the first thing i do is look to see what the gorgeous
I have a new thing when visiting other countries, I said i would do it and everyone
The first thing I do when I walk into my apartment is take off my pants. You wouldn't
Lola thought the "punk" thing to do would be to show some confidence and
So every woman needs to do things to survive; but every woman does things that are
Wife says she wants a three sum. Should we do it? If you were the third person what
Would you do the same thing?
These 10 friends of mine are my favorite things in the world to jerk off too, how
These 10 friends of mine are my favorite things in the world to jerk off too, how
These 10 friends of mine are my favorite things in the world to jerk off too, how
These 10 friends of mine are my favorite things in the world to jerk off too, how
"There's no reason a fake can't do what the real thing would. And it's possible
Given the choice,would you rather have a threesome with the IIconics,or choose just
Would you do the same thing
Do the Holy Trainers bite back? To see if I would like the HT I bought a knock-off.
[f] Slutty wife loves to me naked in the room while friends are in the living room
Would love to know how you would use this stupid party slut and the nasty things
The Bat/Cat romance. Proof that comics really do reflect a lot of things from real
Would you do the same thing if you found me like this? :p
She knew she would be next and she also knew there wasnt a damned thing she could
She knew she would be next and she also knew there wasnt a damned thing she could
"Do you like my surprise? This is the only thing I could think of that you would
whats the first thing you would like to do to her?
The Lady (barely) in White (couple f52 m55): Another 'Partners in Crime' series where
if you were there beside her whats the first thing you would like to do?
What would be the first thing you'd do with me? ?