A Duck

Devil Duck
Spaghetti sauce covered fire extinguisher dildo | Two baby ducks and a kitten
Cute Little Ducks, All In A Row | Dismembered Body Parts, All In A Row
[f] Ducked into the restroom...
Protect the Ducks *Comic Spoiler*
[f] duck face, dont care :-* Grab my tits from behind?
No duck face here
Tanning is fun ( ducks)
[50/50] Duck's penis (NSFW)| Man's penis (NSFW)
Riding the rubber duck
Fresh duck, straight from the Jungles of Panama
Queen Tyr'ahnee [Duck Dodgers]
Just a little duck face
Only time duck face is good
Martian queen vs lord dominator [duck dodgers, wander over yonder] (shadman)
Mother duck can do nothing as a heron torments her duckling.
Queen Tyr'ahnee's Awaiting (r3dstar) [Duck Dodgers]
Between Queen Tyr'ahnee's cheeks [Duck Dodgers/Looney Toons]
A duck[f]ace is ok because boobs, right?
Showing the ducks
Lik on of those ducks that drink from a glass
Does my duck {f}ace make you wanna {f}uck my face? ?
One Lucky Duck
(OC) Out on a drive today and caught this red tailed hawk enjoying some duck for
In the Scottish region of AltBoobWorld, this lady thought she saw the Loch Ness Monster
Be my Donald Duck ? [F]