
Captain Cold keeps it real
(might be spoilers) My favorite moment in the Flashpoint Paradox animated feature
Some inspirational words from Green Arrow. (minor spoilers, from Green Arrow #19)
So um is Deathstroke ok ? ( forever evil #7 spoilers )
Anyone else catch the Weird Al reference in 'Forever Evil: A.R.G.U.S.' #5?
Welcome Batman, to Club Enigma! (Batman #32)
Harley is the best! - Injustice Year Two #13 Spoilers
This is why Batman is the best of the JL
[Justice League #33] He's found it.
Anyone else for excited for this to happen in Futures End?
Harvey Bullock has some thoughts on his new colleague
Reset the head counter[Futures End #30][Spoiler]
Supergirl throwing down like only she can [Spoliers Supergirl #36]
A little easter egg[Justice League: Throne of Atlantis movie SPOILER]
Futures End Easter egg? Batman 20 SPOILERS
Robin meets Superman
[Batman #39 spoilers] Well Snyder, this is getting all out of hand
Me am so happy for this new change. Hooray! (Action Comics #40)
Batman: Eternal #51 WHAT?!!?! [Spoilers obviously]
Because he's batman [New 52,Batman #33]
Awesome shirt that came with Comic Block this month
Starfire is 2 for 2 in kissing hot guys. This series is going places [Starfire #2]
Give her the B [Gotham Academy 7 Spoilers]
For Darkseid!! [Spoilers] Justice League #43
An adorable friendship [The Omega Men #5]
You keep using that word, what are you hinting at!? [Titans Hunt #1]
Stoopid old stick insect. [Martian Manhunter #5]
[Excerpt] Themyscira's New Guardians (The Legend of Wonder Woman #4)
The villains show their true colors in Suicide Squad Most Wanted – Deadshot and
Clearly Lex has been reading 90's Superman comics in Action Comics #957
"More Loved" (Justice League #52)
[Superman #2] Jon-El Superboy
[Action Comics #961] "I've faced beasts stronger than you, monster."
Which sidekick will go Bad? [All Star Batman #1]
David Finch draws one intimidating Batman [Batman #6]
[Spoilers] King's Redemption (Batman #13)
[Earth 2 Society #20] An Awesome page for one if my favorite Supermen
2 Orphans [Identity Crisis]