
Probably not the best ad placement, maybe.  
Unfortunate picture placement [NSFW]
perfect ad placement.
Perfect ad placement... her face says it all (nsfw)
Perfect camera placement
Well, this placement made me laugh...
Look What I found on NSFW!! Nice placement
Ad placement...[NSFW]
Ad Placement.
Most Hilarious Ad Placement while fapping. NSFW
Unfortunate placement
that is some interesting pussy placement!
Searched Google images for 'krokodil effects' and this appeared on page 3... not
Interesting ad placement... NSFW
Unfortunate ad placement
Unfortunate ad placement
Perfect desktop icon placement
Awesome Placement.. NSFW
Clever spray placement detected (NSFW)
Reddit, is the breast placement right [NSFW]
Unfortunate sponsorship placement [possibly NSFW]
Best clock placement ever.
Best AD Placement Ever!