
BMX Accident
You've got a little something on your lip.
I sprained my ankle playing basketball, that bump was about the size of a baseball
Dislocated ankle and broken fibula
A piece of me.
Achilles rupture playing tennis-who knew it was such a dangerous sport??
Bit by German Shepard...
Wrench slipped off a nut at work
Not a good idea to be high when working with power tools
Shredded fingers
Broke my leg a year ago sliding into 3rd base during intramural softball
My boss lost a chunk of his thumb breaking up a dog fight at work
My glasses cut me just above my nose.
I got my fingers caught in the deposit drop box by accident. A week later and I still
My Thumb vs. My Late Porcelain Plate
My broken toe from two years ago. The doctor said it wasn't common to break that
Sliced the tip of my finger off with a mandolin slicer
My finger got caught in the fan of a leaf blower
Brick wall vs 13yr old on a dirt bike
Almost 2 weeks after my pilonidal cyst removal. May look bad but it feels so much
Friend cut the tendon in his hand
Pilon Fracture Rt Leg
Barefoot drunk on a broken bike in Helsinki. Ripped off a chunk of toe.
So I had a little accident...
My toe pt. two nail was trimmed
Foot meets wood
Bread Knife vs Finger
My uncle narrowly missed all the important parts of his knee when he shot himself
My foot surgery
The perils of black ice...
Before and after pics: Got hit and ran over by a car. Open tib/fib!!
Saw Jumped
Tried to clip my dog's nails. I outweigh her by only 10 lbs. It didn't go well.
I accidentally snapped the bowl piece on my water pipe while cleaning it this afternoon