
Some shots of past photoshoots I've had. Here are some for your consideration. May
Some women achieve greatness, some have greatness thrust into them.
Some dude's wife's old jerk off doll or some shit...
Some people think not shaving is gross, I think my razor burn and ingrown hair are
Some where out in the world, some lucky bastard is married to her
Some one needs some art classes [NSFW]
Some like dirty girls some like them clean
Some trashy bar on Bulgaria's seaside showing some pretty nsfw view
Some people see a caricature of Hitler, some see Hirohito, you tell me...
Some oldies but some (f)un goodies from my ex, got more if y'all like!
Some light bondage on a stained carpet because why not? Note the flushed red torsos
Some [f]ace and some cleavage
Some of you wanted bulge, some wanted verification...
Some lovely girls with some nice leg/thigh.
Some cleave, some ass, and I'm looking at YOU... ;) [OC]
Some some heart