
id geebs habbening :DDDD
wise bhilosobher frend :DDDD
winny de booh :DDDD
Grand dhefd audo :DDDD :D
where are de anime :DDDD xDD
Summoning Sbell :DDDD
420 X-DD blaze it faggod :DDDD xDDDD
Amerigan bear fights against derrorism :DDDD
gommunism :DDDD
U guys habent seen any terrorsids have u? :DDDD
fug de blags and rase migsers :DDDD
all dose breeedums!!!1!! :DDDD
fug :DDDD
brotherhood :DDDD
The Bircle of Bife :DDDD
Spurdo is wite subremmasy meme :DDDD t. Hilary Glindon :DDDDDDD
Roob bear :DDDD
MRW frend asks why there's so much biss on the floor in bublic restroom ¦DDDD
Gustom Call of Doody emblem :DDDD
Post work out DDDD (F)
Hungary Spurdo loves some babrika :DDDD
islamig derrorism :DDDD
ankro sagsons and gelts :DDDD
Gabdain Jean Lug Bigard :DDDD
Thursday workday DDDDs [F]
Sunday night bathtime, enjoy my smile and my DDDDs [F]
Your daily dose of my DDDDs. Love your dirty messages [F]
ids doo lade............................. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD u wuden lissen........................................................
wimin bad :DDDD mgdow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDD b.s. fug wimmin t. good segsy man
malady :DDDD *dibs vedora* :DDDDDDD
PRÖÖÖÖHH :DDD Oh fug :DD here comes the cabeman hunders :DDDD
iiiiiiiiiiii :DDDDDDDD iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :DDDDDD iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
bglub glb bglu p lub :DD lg gb lugblgb lbgubl :DDDD oben eyes n spoog u :DDDDD
ameriga bls vode 4 da best 1 :DDDD ::DDDDD
oh fug :DDD garl sagan fugg's it anodder tiem :DDDD
غردوا معنا. انستاجرام :DDD hyvä :DD :DDDD سجلوا إعجابكم.
im here :DDDD gonna have 2 gill u now :DD
oh dog wad has sicenece done :DDDD nigel speach to me bls :DD
spurdo wins,,,,,,,,,.............. spardälidy :DDDD :DDDDDDD t. show can :DD
spurdo spinde :DDDD
gondollaa i.......... :DDDDDD dnt care lol :DDDD
free gandy :-DDD hear is lollibob :DDDD :DD
merry chris mas 's :DDDD :DDDDDDD i hope u rebemderd mi bresent :DDDDDDDDD
meandwhile,,. :D :DD in a n arabb nashun... :DDDD
wooo omg fug...... omg wooo fug i just cand :-DDDD leds pardy wooooo :DD :DDDDDDDD
dond lews ur head = fourshaddowing = fievshaddowing :DDDD :DDDDD becuz eggsecute
delishus headgrab =DDDDDD :DDDD
really makes u dink :DDDD
roll for ebin =DDDDDD nao :DDDD
plz eat me :DDDD t. viruse
grist groosified lmao :---DDDD :DDDDDDDD t. bonchus bilate
uze it wizely :DDDDD :DDD :DDDDDD for i have one butt to gib u :DDDD
mage me loads of fujure dollarz :DDDD :DD
finnga :D:DDDD
lifding + gedding swole :DDDD fore dhe olymbickz :DD ged teh glod pls :DDD
illegal gogaine :DDDD jeegi breegi :DD :DDD
fugger wolf 420 :D vs zubbermarine zbidvire :--DDDD