Interesting Shit

Spider Cat
Fun Weights
My neck hurts
The skills are beyond my level of understanding physics
Nightmare fuel
This makes my soul happy. Visual asmr?
Ol bendy neck
Me every day getting out of bed
Truly next fucking level
This looks terrifyingly fun
Natural Carbonation
Finally someone created balloon animals that fit my aesthetic
Piglet eating a noodle: part 2
Showing different pitches
Generation timeline
Types of Malware
Examples of logic gates with fluid
No lungs required
A bruise exiting from under a nail
26 Animal Species brought back from the brink of extinction
The proper US Navy salute
Different pump types
Soda sugar
Skateboard with second set of graphics revealed as you skate it
A guide to the teeth of 25 dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures.
All the cheesy breads
A cool infographic on 50 sentient alien species of Star Wars and the planets they
I wondered how passengers got in/on them.
Battery meets steel wool.
Cephalopods 101
Watching light travel at 10 trillion frames per second
Useful tool
Women’s fashion from 1867 to 1970
Ancient tattoos
Square holes
Cat ain't got time for using a ladder.
Dougal Dixon’s 1988 “The New Dinosaurs” explores hypothetical scenarios in
A mother giraffe saving her calf from a pride of lions
Soap Bubbles Magnified 200x
Powerful pipe bender
Heat Shrink Self-Solder Butt Splice Connectors
Medieval Arab Battle Axe
Diagram of the seven vices represented as devils, England, 13th Century
The Blacksmith Guide
Balometer. For checking volumetric air flow of the ducts.
The Soil Texture Triangle
The many products made from crude oil
Sword-billed hummingbird - the only bird with a beak longer than its body
The Golden Gate of Constantinople
Microsoft Word cheat sheet
Super nice mosaic
The 50 Largest Bodies of Water Ranked by Size
Viking's blacksmith tools
Big mummy hair styles
The Best-Selling Car Model Every Year Since 1978 in the United States