
Terezi and Vriska
Rose X Vriska
Frisky Vriska
Karkat x Vriska
Trickster Mode Vriska
Playboy on Vriska(?)
Daspyorno drew Vriska!
POV - Vriska
For the bounty. Kanaya and Vriska.
/u/wade5454 brought it to my attention that it's my cakeday. Have a Vriska / Tavros
Feferi and Vriska scissoring. Yay lesbians.
My Patron Troll Lemon: Vriska from Homestuck
Sweaty Vriska Post-masturbation
My first attempt at a slightly smutty drawing. (more to come of this 'slavve' Vriska
Kanaya pulling Vriska's hair
Terezi takes Vriska from behind