
Ride of the Alicorns (PH spoilers)
Another alicorn to throw a wrench in the fics.
Sorry guys but, out of the mane 6 I think who is going to become the second alicorn
How i feel about this Twilight alicorn thing
The Fifth Alicorn
Wingplay [Alicorn Twilight][Rainbow Dash][F/F] (cross post from /clopclop)
Comfort her loneliness with toys [Alicorn Twilight][dildo] (crosspost from /clopclop)
Princess' Private Time [Alicorn Twilight][Princess Celestia][F/F] (crosspost from
Pony Ride [Alicorn Twilight][Princess Celestia]
This looks consensual, right? [Alicorn Twilight][Zecora][oral][F/F]
Trixie and Alicorn Twilight [F/F][tentacles] (artist: clopper-dude)
My Sweetheart's the Mare in the Moon [Alicorn Twilight][Princess Luna][F/F][suggestive]
Royal Service [Alicorn Twilight][solo] (artist: kloudmutt)
Tentacles.. tentacles everywhere [Alicorn Twilight][Trixie][F/F] (artist: freedomthai)
Animated Tentacles [Trixie][Alicorn Twilight][F/F]
Both Alicorn Twilight and Spike suck [M/F][blowjob] (artist: hellticket)
Trixie is no match for Alicorn Twilight [F/F] (artist: navitaserussirus)
Sweat and heat [Twilight][Alicorn Twilight][Stockings][Socks] (artist: salted tea)
Thanks to you, my sheets are all wet again.. [Alicorn Twilight][Spike][M/F] (artist:
Beach Beauty, Alicorn Twilight Sparkle [solo][suggestive] (artist: loopend)
A whole lot of awesome. Series of sketches including Rarity and Big Mac [M/F], Fluttershy
OMGWTFBBBFF [Alicorn Twilight][Shining Armor][M/F][incest] (artist: Doppelgaenger)
How magical [Alicorn Twilight][solo][dildo] (artist: zedrin)
I sure could go for a popsicle right now [Alicorn Twilight][Applejack][suggestive]
Cheerilee eating Alicorn Twilight out [F/F][oral] (artist: zedrin)
Sleepy Alicorn Twilight [solo] (artist: InkyBlot)
Oh, brother [Alicorn Twilight and Shining Armor][M/F][blowjob][incest] (artist: clopper-dude)
No need to be shy [Princess Celestia and Alicorn Twilight][F/F] (artist: syoeeb)
Royal Foursome [Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Princess Alicorn
Is Alicorn Twilight the kind of pony that likes butt sex? [King Sombra][M/F] (artist:
NIGHTMARE NIGHT RETURNS [rainbow dash, pinkie pie, fluttershy, rarity, applejack,
[S4E03 Spoiler] All alicorns are female...
Sweet dreams are made of this [Alicorn Twilight][Trixie][F/F] (artist: saurian)
Princess Celestia's private stash [Princess Luna][Alicorn Twilight] (artist: yoloswagmilf)
Training the Royal Tush [Alicorn Twilight][Princess Celestia][F/F] (artist: punk-pegasus)
Oh, let me quote you a line from this clop fic I'm reading [Alicorn Twilight][solo]
Forget Alicorns and blank flanks, Rocky references are whats really important!
The prophecies were true. Fluttershy becomes an alicorn in Season 4.
Fluttershy and Rarity are alicorns in Season 4
Rainbow Dash can now become an alicorn!
Delicious Alicorn Rarity Futa! Yum~
The Alicorn is submerged. Post dirty boot pics
Circstal Beast Cirpphire PegaCirce {F Human -> F Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus