And My Chest

Trimmed my chest hair, and decided to go with a Mustache and Chin Patch combo for
My chest! Sorry if you've seen it already (accidentally deleted). Anyway, I'm bored,
One more day and I can feel your nails across my chest and your mouth on my... ;)
And that's my chest.
225lbs, 5' 9", 20yrs old; played ice hockey all my life, so my legs are big
I just love the idea o(f) your cum pooling in my mouth, dripping off my lips and
My chest and shaft
I come home (f)rom work to find my apartment empty, so i thought....As I close my
20m 5'7 around 160 pounds I don't know what to think about my body. My thighs are
[F/19/180lbs] Lost 70lbs and hate the way my chest and butt look. But I'm finally
23M/5'10/175lbs- my chest gives me the biggest issue only because I was born without
26 / 220 lbs / 6' 1" I've never been the biggest fan of my chest or my sides,
Lookin a little ratchet at work but my owners made me write “slave” on my chest
Some of you have been noticing my scar and a small tube in my chest. I have posted
M22/5’7”/150lbs - I’ve been training at the gym and while I’m happy with
M/35/6’2” [330lbs > 200lbs = 130lbs] It has been a long road, but slow
I have bo chest but trying squats and a diet to make my ass a little better. My bf
F/21/5'2/206 lbs. I've always been insecure about myself. When I was 10 or 11 a relative
29/m/236lbs/6'0 - Still very self conscious about my chest and the weird fat under
My (<---23f) boyfriend (<---23M) in a wig and some chest padding..
[F]- [5'8'' x 130 lbs] - Last time I was told "Shave and you're a banger."
[36] Been somewhat blue-balled lately. Wife’s out, boys are out, finally gonna
I like to take it with my legs up.. he can get deep, and my knees pressed against
My chest painted up like pumpkins and filled them up with a 62oz container of M&Ms
First and likely only pic from the front I’ll ever post. Just wanted to show off
41F/5’7”/145lbs 15 year challenge! Different fat distribution as I have aged.
Male 23, 6'4, 239lbs, first time posting! lately I've been feeling self conscious
I couldn’t move my body, but I slowly opened my eyes. My wife’s boobs were on
I shaved my chest and tummy and I like results, and now I'm thinking about trimming
I'm scared. I have this weird stabby pain in my chest and it really hurts and..Dorito.
[f] 22, 120lbs, 5’0 Growing up with conservative parents I was never allowed to
Something had happened in the middle of the night that made me and my sister swap
As my friend finally parked the car and forced me out I looked to him with the new
A state away at college, something happened in the night that swapped me and my sister.
M/25/6"3' [450 lbs >317 lbs=133 Lbs] First pic is from about a year and
I'm almost 40 and loving the subtle lines on my chest and how my silver hairs catch
A state away at college, something happened in the night that swapped me and my sister.
24/5'0''/100 lbs. I'm a runner and I've always had a bit of an issue putting on and
? Oh he doesn’t smelN like Irish Spring and he never taught me anything, but still
SO relaxed, not a single pose, and every ‘flaw’ on show. My rolls, my curves
Naked in a communal sauna in the hotel. SO relaxed, not a single pose and every ‘flaw’
My chest tattoo and body painting