
'cause I like it [f]rom behind....
Cause I can't sleep on no more [F]loors and I can't stay up no more nights.
'cause it's (F)riday
Cause there's something in a Sunday that makes a body [f]eel alone
Cause and Effect
'Cause two can keep a secret i[F] one of them is dead. Shhh...
'Cause it's Friday; you ain't got no job...and you ain't got shit to do.
Cause that's totally the main focus here.
'cause i'm stuck in Arizona...
Cause I'm young and I'm black and my pants REAL low. ;)
Causing high speed accidents
Cause I'm long and I'm strong and I'm down to get the friction on!
"'Cause you look so much cuter with something in your mouth" [f]
Causing a sweat
'Cause, Remy, you're perfect...
'cause it was late-night and I was thirsty
Cause it's [f]riday night!
cause baby girl got all the right weaponry (F)
Cause I know you guys like Bailey.
Cause we (f)ind ourselves in the same old mess, singin’ drunken lullabies.
Cause I may be bad but I'm perfectly good at it Sex in the air, I don't care, I love
Cause we can't let Kate have all the attention right now
‘Cause the Quakers said so...
Cause certain people can't wait till my off days
Cause I love Jesus [MF] (Tsampikos)
Cause You're So See Thru
Causing boating accidents
Cause why not make an account and make my first post here at 2am
Cause I haven’t posted my ass in a long time. [F]
Cause you dont wanna.
‘Cause I want to be comfortable when taking the test
Cause and Effect
Caused a distraction at the food court today in my new top ?
Cause im the big bad wolf now let the games begin
'cause she loves you
Cause the icing has always been the best part of the cake! (Him)
Cause and effect
Causing The Commander To Cheat. ?
Cause jam don't shake....
Cause and effect.
Cause y'all love spooky so much.
Cause and effect
Causing a scene at the dinner table
Causing boners everywhere!
Causing a Ruckus in the Library
Cause And (Effeminate) Effect
‘Cause she's going the distance