Coming To Terms

I'm coming to terms with being bi. 

Am a bit shy but wondering what anyone thinks.
I've come to terms with the fact that I'll never be hung.
It looks like Hanekawa-san has come to terms with her catty side. [-Monogatari Series]
First time posting. Coming to terms with my desire for my fellow chub man. Do I look
I've got a short one but I've come to terms with it
Quite a lot to come to terms with...
I need help coming to terms with being lesbian. PM or Kik (same name) if you want
I'm in great shape but have a tiny cock. I'm also coming to terms with my small penis
I think I have come to terms with the (f)act that I have a fat ass
Slowly coming to terms with my exhibitionist tendencies (f)
[NSFW] How i come to terms with reality, after 6 days of /r/nofap
Me: 32 F - 5'10" Mostly torso. Small boobs. Everything's starting to sag a bit,
I think I've come to terms with it. I'm not just curious... I'm truly bi, still love
When im alone at a park at 3 am introspecting on a swing and i come to terms with
After a while, you just sort of come to terms with being a Frettonese citizen while
Finally come to terms with posting a pic. What does everyone think? [21]
i'm only now coming to terms with my femininity so here is my first post
MFW I'm coming to terms with how fat I got and only having a single serving of pizza
33 years old and I still haven’t really come to terms with the fact I’m not Ice
24/6'2/162 - Coming to terms with my lanky frame, working to add muscle
Rate my dick? Used to be self conscious but I've come to terms, and really love my
She's finally come to terms of what she is and asked for this
Help me come to terms with not being good enough? ;)
24/f/~170lbs, could lose a solid 10lbs but I'm generally happy with my body, coming
[25F/5'5"/170lbs] here's me lol. I've been a lerker for a while. I'm chubby,
Wasn't aware this sub existed until today! 40/m Have just really come to terms with
“Mr. Arbuckle, the doctors really believe this drawing exercise will help you come
F, 35, 5’11” Finally coming to terms with my mom body.
27m 5'10 143lbs. It took a long time to come to terms with my body hair (that just.
Yes...yes...yes...I am painfully aware of my tiny tits. But, after 50 years I've
I’ve been dysphoric af all day long and literally have not had any single fucking
Sorority girls having a tough time coming to terms with the new quarantine measures
[30 M / 6' 1" / 195 lbs] Have to come to terms with the fact that these stretch
slowly coming to terms with the changes in my body
I have come to terms with having huge tits. [F]
[F] Slowly but surely coming to terms with the fact that I'm just a set of holes
F - 25, 5'4", 125 - As always, trying to come to terms with my breast size.
F - 25, 5'4", 125 - As usual trying to come to terms with my breast size, but
Trying to come to terms with my body. I'm honestly paranoid about people staring.
Trying to come to terms that I am not as toned as it once was and that is ok
I am enjoying myself here, just coming to terms with how full my ass is ?
After many years, finally coming to terms with my desire for women