Cutie Mark

Just [f]ullfilling a request. Doesn't everyone have a cutie mark?
Is this how we get our cutie marks?
How they got their cutie marks
So... apparently Twilight and Big Mac had sex and their child had a major growth
Tim Robbins decided on Apple Bloom's cutie mark.
How Apple Bloom got her first cutie mark
So apparently ponies can have identical cutie marks?
Applebloom gets her Cutie Mark [FIXED]
The true Cutie Mark Crusaders
So what kinda cutie mark will this get me
A cutie mark, and fourth wall breakage...
Anyone else bothered we already know what Sweetie Belle's cutie mark is?
Who is this pony with Doctor Whooves cutie mark?
Acquiring a cutie mark through extreme means.
Obtaining a cutie mark through extreme means.
Obtaining a cutie mark through extreme means.
[SPOILER]What happened to Pinkie Pie's cutie mark?
!!!SPOILER!!! - Applebloom's cutie mark
Seems Cutie Marks only manifest on a pony's coat and not on their skin.
WTF is Feather Weight's cutie mark? Too blurry to tell
Reading the last few updates on "Ask the Cutie Mark Crusaders" Tumblr
Not doing so well in the main sub (my guess is the plot). But I wonder what Twilight
[SPOILER] That cutie mark... Seen it somewhere
It seems as though Lyra has influenced the Cutie Mark Crusaders a little bit.
Someone tried to get their balloon animal makers cutie mark. NSFW
Looks like the animators forgot what Fluttershy's cutie mark was for a second.
Fluttershy has Twilight Sparkle's cutie mark. IT BEGINS...
[NSFW] Is it just me or is this cutie mark of RD?
*Spoiler* S3Ep13 Pinkie Pie's cutie mark
Another Cutie Mark swap revealed!
[SPOILER] Looks like the Cutie Mark Crusaders have some recruiting to do.
Cutie Pie
No, THIS is how you get your cutie mark!
Cutie with beauty mark
[Spoiler]A very special cutie mark
Is that a... Grumpy Cat cutie mark?
Did anyone else notice this guy's cutie mark?
Is that...a grumpy cat cutie mark?
That cutie mark!
This filly got a cutie mark!
Ruby Pinch got her cutie mark.
Sans cutie mark pegasus line art [NSFW]
Sans cutie mark pegasus line-art (by yours truly) (x-post r/mlpdrawingschool)
I bet Maud's cutie mark is an Iron Cross.
Thighs so big she got cutie marks on both sides.
The Cutie Mark Crusaders [MLP][kevinsano]
Yes that's a cutie mark on my [f]lank...
A really lovely cutie mark [Pinkie Pie][sugar belle][F/F] (artist: wingbonermaker)
The CMC are getting their cutie marks
Grown up Cutie Mark Crusader orgy (artist: sunnysundown)
Babs showing the CMC (And the Bully Duo) how she got her Cutie Mark [lumineko]
The unicorn has a similar "cutie mark" as Rarity from My Little Pony
Some gave her a more accurate cutie mark
[se5 ep15 spoiler]"But what if I don't like my cutie-mark!?"
Just noticed Twilight's CMC slide contains a Venn diagram, any theories as to what
If you wondered about the girly looking Colts with the Tiger cutie mark, this should
Marked cutie