Don't Cry

Don't cry, human. Did you get soap in your eye?
Please don't cry Sweetie Belle.
Don't cry now
Big girls don't cry, we smile :) [f]
Don't cry it will be alright.
Don't cry Naruto...
Don't cry, just try harder.
Don't cry, Andy
Don't cry because it's over.
Don't cry over spilled milk
Aw don't cry
Don't cry, everything will be all right.
[SEASON 2 SPOILERS] Please Asuna, don't cry.
Don't Cry.. [Spoilers]
[F] It's time to be a big girl now, and big girls don't cry.
Shhh, don't cry
'Don't cry, Sweetie. It won't help you.'
"Ara ara~ Hanako, don't cry...."
Don't cry baby! Just lose the boxers and we will let you in the car. It'll be fine.
Dead girls don't cry
Big Girls Don't Cry...They do make cute bandages and bleed rainbows though ;-p
Aw baby don't cry we are gonna have some fun. (Original Artwork by Purinpu)
Don't cry over spilled milk.
Don't cry, it was meant to be
Don't cry turtle, it will be ok
Genji and Hanzo: Don't cry my little Sister(Liang-Xing)[Overwatch]
Don't cry about how all the white girls are going Black Only...just jerk off and
elisarose, Don't Cry
Don't cry, princess, it's your birthday!
Potholes don’t cry
Baby don't cry ... yet
Don't cry because it's over
Big girls don't cry
shh baby don't cry don't cry
D-Don't Cry! ? [Original]
D-Don't Cry! ?
D-Don't Cry! ?
Please don't Cry.... [Original]
Please Don't Cry... [Original]
Please don't cry
I Compact You by Ren Hang for Boys Don't Cry, 2016
Daughter Breaking, Ep. 1: "Don't Cry Sweetie"
"Big girls don't cry" (NCMares)
Daily Yuri #48: "Don't Cry" [Original]
Don't cry for me argentinian
Big feet girls don't cry
You don't cry over it