
Excerpt from Brooke Candy's "Dumb" Music Video
Excerpts from my wedding present to my new husband
[Excerpt][NSFW][Spoilers] What a tweest! Superman 34
[Excerpt][Spoilers]Interesting week for Supe's Batman/Superman 13
[Excerpt] [NSFW] [Spoiler] Fuck you
I'm talking to you, every magical character ever. (Injustice Gods Among Us Year Three
Parents, think twice before you name your child. [SPOILERS][Excerpt][Daredevil Vol.
Excerpt from [Haruke ru san] Take Out Please!
Such a sweet moment (The Amazing Spider-Man #11) [Excerpt]
Logan's note to Peter [excerpt] (Spider-Man and the X-Men #1)
[Excerpt] The day when Harley Quinn died, went to hell and was kick out of it for
[EXCERPT][SPOILER] Oh, God! It's Annihihulk! (Thanos vs. Hulk #3)
[Excerpt] For 1985 these pages are gorgeous! [The 'Nam #1]
This is tearing me up pretty badly. (TMNT #44 Spoilers) (Excerpt)
I don't want to kill you. Let her go. [Daredevil The Man Without Fear #4][Excerpt][SPOILERS]
[Excerpt] Alana: The Good Church Going Girl [Sage Issue 15]
A tantalizing hint at the origins of one of comics' most powerful villains! (Justice
[EXCERPT] The Disciples #1 was Horrifying!
[Excerpt] The end to this story is so beautiful. I admit it. I cried. (Alex + Ada
[Excerpt] Lazarus #15 has one of the best fight sequences I've seen in comics.
[Excerpt] Possible [SPOILERS] Saga reference from Siege Vol. 2 #2
[Spoilers/Excerpt] Batman #43; easily one of my favorite spreads by Capullo and Fco
[Page/Excerpt] Action Comics #43; Pak gets Superman
It's as if millions of fanshippers suddenly cried out and were suddenly silenced
Anon explains an excerpt from an adult visual novel.
All this smut looks familiar... [The Boys #58] [Excerpt] NSFW
[Excerpt] Memory Corruption (Batgirl #49)
This virtual reality interrogation from We Stand on Guard #3 features probably the
[Excerpt] Rereading Wanted, is that a small homage to the squared circle in the bottom
[Excerpt] That is some interesting use of your branding, Frank. (Marvel Swimsuit
This excerpt from double dick dude's book describes how he supposedly harpooned a
Excerpt from "If You Hate Me So" (Fargo)
Excerpt from a 2008 interview. Shocking revelation that Donathon "The Dahn"