
EFY Bondage Orgy [NSFW]
Makes me think back to all those conversations my friends and I had in YW about our
I'll keep it to myself how much time I put into this...
Mormon Missionary Comics (from my mission)
Oh my god. I legit hate Mormons on Facebook.
NSFW !!! Apparently this is a thing... Liberal homoerotic retelling of the restoration
[NSFW] Facsimile #2 and being a great, f#cking bull
Beautiful Painting of Moroni on His Noble Steed
Oh yeah baby...
The Masturbation War...
Was told I should put this here too. Sent this to my cousin who's about to go on
found this relevant I think. Perhaps NSFW: Religion is like a vibrator
Happy Pride Festival 2014! Love TSCC! [Mildly NSFW]
This Pic makes me happy [NSFW due to Shoulders] [Timpanogos Temple]
They said I had to wear a dress because its Sunday, not pants. They failed to mention
No More Shame (Stephen Fales). NSFW
(NSFW) The Priesthood Jock-strap
Found my " White Bible". So many bare shoulders.
Here's what I think of LDS pretending to be diverse...
KSL Comments are vile.
[NSFW] My ex-mo friend sent me this drawing. He calls it "Angel with a Flaming
My view for the day
Awkward moments in The Book of Mormon (NSFW)
A reason for you to go to the bar 5 monkey's in salt lake nsfw
Why is the world so messed up? (From a conversation I had with a TBM)
In an effort to cultivate gender equality I thought one of us males should cut loose
Was looking at NSFW subs and got this ad...
Watcha looking at DallinHoax NSFW
This is what got me through my entire mission.
So that's where the saying "hung like a horse" came from.
Jon McNaughton's One Nation Under God painting spoofed
Chocolate-colored and about the size of an egg
Wife's first facebook post with porn shoulders!
Sure to be a hit this holiday season. [NSFW]?
Showing off his religion...Do you ever get the urge to tell someone that their magic
"What is that...?"
Missionary Work by Joan Cornellà
Informal poll...lol
Is this a still from one of the new temple movies? (forbidden fruit)
No Father's Day lecture about my sacred duty (hehe, duty). Instead, my wife and kids
BREAKING NEWS: ACTUAL evidence of Joe Smith's seer stones found! You have to see
"Victims may have a degree of responsibility..." mildly NSFW
Got high and read the BoM to my girlfriend in the tub.
I can't believe it's been seven years since attending church! Born into TSCC, though
Let's see the ink! Had some people like mine so i'll start with my one and only shoulder
Rare Photo of a FAIR Apologist
Some Cache Valley residents are calling in to CV Mall management to complain about
[NSFW] Toot that horn Moroni! (I apologize for nothing).
NSFW TBM shames "overweight" European women while vacationing.
Love this! “Women do not have to be modest to be respected” mildly NSFW
(Nsfw-ish)(no shirt) Left fattest I ever got in my marriage, depressed and hated
From someone's wedding day: imagine having to make such a big deal out of this, it
Joseph receiving a revelation about plural marriage
This rat would crawl through holes in my missionary apartment ceiling and up and
Heh. Heh heh.
Proselytizing would be easier...