
Feminists are so cool, bold and brave, that they love building their popularity among
feminists want to be like Superior Men; feminists love Superior Men; they hate womanhood,
Feminists are only feminist to inferior men.
feminists love and prefer Superior Men. feminism admires Male Superiority. feminism
feminists handle a wide repertoire of plotted excuses for entering the sexist porn
feminists like to be pretty because this makes it easier for them to get accepted
feminists love to show superior Men what is their authentic place as females, in
feminists only criticize, reject and run their equality rights against inferior men
feminists have to choose between the superior Men they have to be inferior to, or
feminists want the abuse and the semen from superior Men, and the money, the quotas,
feminists don't have enough capability or superiority to achieve the important things
feminists know well they have to reveal their actual female inferiority to the superior
feminists run their superior self-sufficient man-independent pretended role, until
feminists know well they must only use their feminist role-play bullshit with inferior
Feminist tries to make a difference
feminists are constantly claiming against all the things they're victims of and demanding
Feminist Superheroine
Feminists can't catch me now
Feminist Harley Quinn
Feminist attacking the vehicles of the Patriarchy
Feminists triggered
Feminist activists release photo of statue they want removed
Feminist flowchart
Feminist friendly
Feminists should move to the middle east and here's why
Feminists when someone doubts their claims of sexual assault.