Funny Messages

Another Awesome Tiger Woods text message redone [NSFW]
When not able to delete ones user account... (And a faily confirmation message.)
How are you supposed to concentrate at work with messages like this.....
Just adding to the message
A Message to All the Female Redditors:
After sending a friend of mine a message seeing how she was doing, I received this
OkCupid message to girl named "HitlerAteMyCat"
Well I'm definitely not messaging this bot back now...
The new way to send a passive-aggressive message to your neighbors
Why didn't anyone tell me we could take pictures from r/WTF and use them for chain-spam
Offline message. [NSFW]
Subliminal message on google.
(NSFW) So I found this phone today. Along with multiple images of herself and whoreishly
My girlfriend left two browser tabs open for me that send very different messages
So my lesbian best friend sent me a message and it got auto corrected (maybe nsfw)
Some porn sites need to choose their automated messages more carefully
Xbox Live picture messages some times..
So I just got this message from Facebook...
I'm pretty well-known for posting NSFW content - I just got this message from one
Best text message to start my day with a laugh. This is from the husband. Nsfw language.
Just a typical message between my friend and I (NSFW)
I just found out I could send messages on my ipod touch. I've never owned a camera
Obi-Wan has a preventive health message for us all
Facebook private message fail
I left a message for a terrible parking job. That'll teach em'
Waiter left me a message...
Friend just received a message on OKCupid. I guess the eyes are the gateway to the
Giving yourself a message in sign language NSFW
My undies left me a message (nsfw)
So my friend had a particularly heavy weekend, woke up with this picture message
A lot of smoke clouds in America, The sky in Scotland had a different message...
The Local Deli Wanted me to Deliver a Message for my Step-dad
Opened a guys messaging app to try and find a contact to tell he left his phone at
My wife got a picture message from her sisters girlfriend "getting ready now,
My friend just got this message on Tinder.
I'm a health inspector. My friend is overseas. He messaged me with this, saying he
(Nsfw) Woke up to this picture message from a friend.
[NSFW] Sent an angry message to Greg Gutfeld and he replied!
So a random guy messaged me thinking I'm someone named Nicole...
My building has communal bathrooms and there is always some asshole who throws away
I left this message for my boyfriend (kind of nsfw)
Gf sent me the best message ever, she's a keeper to say the least
My friend sent me some pics of a hot tinder date he had set up. I figured he was
Google is sending me some NSFW subliminar messages
Random text message.
Tinder trolls are getting fiercely degrading. She never answered after my last message
My friend got this disturbing message from his Dad on Black Friday...
NSFW My fiancé messaged me imitating me when she had my phone, it was worth a try!
When I start my sext message with "I'm thinking about..." and my phone's
So my mum's in Bali for a holiday and I get this message...
[NSFW] A Pleasant Message From Netflix
A message to the new fascist president.
The thing I 3D-printed the other day came with a rather odd hidden message.
This is STILL favorite thing to send friends who don't answer text messages
Last night as I left my girlfriends, I decided to leave her a message on her camera