He Dying

My grandfather, a couple hours before he died. He was a veteran, so I waited until
At least he died doing what he loved.
How did he die? Was he brave?
R.I.P. Professor Zei. Head of the Anthropology Department at Ba Sing Se University.
Thought I might provide this sub with some interesting trivia: If he stops bouncing,
TIL In 2001 a 15-year-old Atheist boy dying of cancer had a last wish - to become
The body of a victim still rests in the position in which he died, attempting to
This is my dog Bentley. He died two days ago after we got into a wreck and he got
This is Sebastian de Aparicio, a friar from Puebla, Mexico. He was 98 when he died
My father died in 9/11, while rummaging through his stuff after it being stolen by
TIL: When asked if he would kill his father or be killed a boy chose to be killed.
Thoughts: "If she dies I'll be king!" and "If she and he dies...I'll
[NSFW] He Died Doing What He Loved... I Guess
Creepy before photo. Just hours after this was taken he died following an accidental
This is Cedric Anderson. He died bravely challenging the stereotype that only white
One of the last Tweets of a man with Type 1 Diabetes asks for GoFundMe donations
My husband’s last message to me days before he died.
Lil peep fans when he died
If he dies, he dies ??‍♀️right ladies? ? (F32)
If he dies, he dies ??‍♀️ (f)
If he dies, he dies ??‍♀️ right ladies? ?
A guy I went to primary school with was accidentally shot two days ago. He posted
(NSFW just in case!) Inspired by another redditor's comment, this piece is my take
Caught him trying to bury his nuts in my garden. He died doing what he loved.
I was happy to have my best friend back after he died the accident, but I think he's
[at my funeral] So young, how did he die? He ran into oncoming traffic after walking
Thick girls, don’t be afraid to get on top. In he dies, he dies ??‍♀️ (OC)
Thick girls, don’t be afraid to geB on top. If he dies, he dies ??‍♀️ (OC)