
Sex is fundamentally an act whereby a woman confidentially uses her inferiority as
women aren't inferior and unworthy because they perform inferior and unworthy jobs;
Another cool girl showing how much she is worth and how superior is her inferiority.
The Superior Being contributes superiority; the inferior being can only contribute
The world superior Men live in is radically different from the world inferior men
Yes, inferior men invented feminism as a female struggle against superior Men (hence
MD feminists: it's not being a woman that makes you inferior, it's being inferior
Do you know why do feminists prefer to live with superior Men that will consider
MD Gentlemen, don't be afraid of considering women are inferior or of treating women
Real superior Men don't need superior women, and they only accept real inferior women.
Since superior Men only accept inferior women, then assuming their own female inferiority
women are perfectly ok with being inferior. What they hate is being oppressed to
So feminism doesn't fight the fact that wymyn are treated like inferior people; feminism
Inasmuch as women are inferior, they'll only submit their inferiority to superior
Inasmuch as women are inferior, the best use and application they can give their
A woman who was inferior would not try to be accepted by an inferior man she'd get
No woman likes to be inferior meat if she gets nothing for that; this is why women
So the concept inferior men have about women is the exact concept women want inferior
feminists aren't again behaving and being mistreated like inferior women, since women
A man's inferiority makes it wrong that women pay their female gender's inferiority
So women are inferior, but they must have the freedom to use their inferiority to
Superior Men's superiority is the only natural, specific and logical goal of female
women's life consists in 2 activities: 1ยบ) performing their inferiority reality-play
Old feminism said: inferior men, don't treat women bad against their will just because
So the justifying basis of the money, the quotas and the status of superiority women
female inferiority is for superior Men, but a woman isn't under any obligation to
female inferiority only submits to superior Men. feminism doesn't deny female inferiority;
For pleasing superior Men, women don't show their inferiority as some female attribute
The only gift her female inferiority can give You is her inferiority and self-destruction;
women only consider their inferiority to be a positive and helping quality of theirs
women tell inferior men women are superior, but, logically, women's message can't
So women tell inferior men they're not just inferior fuckmeat; but they tell the
So real sex is women being for superior Men exactly and definitionally what they
women tell inferior men women are superior, but, logically, women's message can't
There is inferiority in superior Men too, since superiority>inferiority. And
Since female gender's inferiority logically is inferiority, and since inferiority
Since female gender's inferiority logically is inferiority, and since inferiority
women don't deny their inferiority; they just deny their inferiority to inferior
So a woman's happiness doesn't depend on whether she's inferior or superior. female
When feminists deny their inferiority to inferior men, they're not meaning they're
The superior person (Man) doesn't need the inferior person (woman), so they don't
The reason why women will tell inferior men they won't do degrading, inferior things
So since the inferior person (woman) needs the superior person (superior Man) and
Superiority is a great thing; the inferior person desires the superior. So inferiority
So female superiority can't equal female biological inferiority, since inferiority
Since inferiority is inferiority and worthlessness, it's the inferior person the
Children can be good and superior at child things. Inferior beings, despite and even
The superior being doesn't need the inferior things the inferior being can offer,
So the superior being doesn't need the inferior, it's the other way around; and so
Since the relationship between the superior being and the inferior being is only
MD feminists: embrace your inferiority. Gender "inferiority/superiority"
women are inferior & worthless, but since female inferiority logically pursues
So it's the inferior one that needs the superior one, not the other way around, logically.
So remember, guys: inferiority is linked to the inferior person needing the superior
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