Is The Joke

TIL - DAA is key for huge balls, Sol isn't witty, Shortkid has the worst farts on
Standing up for your beliefs is hardest against those you love...but I  spoke out
The cruel joke is that they aren't leaving :( [xpost/SRSFunny]
In Toronto there is a city councillor who has been judgemental of a district calling
Rape is wrong! Rape is not funny! This is not a joke! It was the fucking captcha
Is it too early to start making stuffing the turkey jokes?
Was watching The Naked Gun 2 (1991) last night. The character is looking through
A friend sent me this today as a joke. I really like the bike in the pic. Can someone
Daddy bought me a pillow pet!!! His name is Rufus, I came up with the name as I was
feminists say women aren't inferior fuckmeat, which is a funny joke, since being
[Joke] Can you guess what the common is?
The most beautiful is always in the middle ( i'm not joking)
So, Wonder Woman is lying in bed with her legs spread, naked....(joke in the comments,
Golf is like life.. you strive for the green, but end up in the hole. 1960s. (Not
Huh. You were right. The joke really IS funny, now!
This guy is about to present the most epic knock-knock joke of all time
I found a group of people with an absolutely terrible sense of humor. Every joke
We've seen the prophet fuck pigs, plenty of Mecca jokes, but my heart tells me this
[F] Wearing a butt plug to the gym is no joke ??
*Warning graphic content no joke* This bad omen is crazy. Found this little guy outside
Posted to r/pics with the title: Censorship is a joke
Is this a joke? And who's the girl on the left?
I like Dad jokes too..."one boob in the hand is worth two in the bush"
As the left defends pedophilic rape "jokes", remember, this is "art".
Debate with the girls pre Uber. Every guy we've ever heard taking about they're dick
The Gross Joke that is Today's Democrat Party - NSFW
Why is the africa song a big joke please explain
The name is Bone, make your own jokes.
(m) Wanted me out the crib, to live dumb, reckless, ignorant, and be a fucking drunk.
My dad and I are home alone during this quarantine, now that my brother is out of
Even the Joker thinks tax evasion is no joke
Winry is always prepared with the short jokes
Spinner: A petite woman. Denoted as a joke, whereby the petite woman is so thin she
No, the earth isnt flat and you arent allowed to fuck her (I apologize in advance
It's beyond a joke now, anyone who believes the the geriatric orange retard is lacking
Made a joke in r/chloe saying, "how much does reddit pay you?" I was banned
Vanessa the bee is wet and needs time to dry off no joke here, I dont want to make
Red, white, or blue? The joke is I'm very pale.
This is not a joke friends, I do not know who the author is, but we all said "Ta-daaaam"