
Know Your Enemy
Mods are sleeping - post post
The worst feeling.
Watch what you eat!
One does not simply...
What if I told you...
I tell my kids that Santa will leave this in their stocking if they are naughty.
The surprize is cancer
Typical Scumbag Steve
The competition is getting desperate
Me after being forced to eat General Mills (new meme, be gentle guys!)
Here is a creepy story for Halloween!
Whenever my wife buys Cheerios for the kids.
What they really are (NSFW)
Racist General Mills seems to have a problem with the beautiful African torso.
I know this is hard to look at, but we should all be aware of the devastation that
Mfw my mom serves me General Mills for breakfast...
Mods are sleeping. Post pictures of generic brand cereals.
MRW when someone buys a box of Cheerios
Every time I go to the dining hall, I just want to eat cereal, but I always end up
MRW someone tried to put General Mills cereal in my shopping buggy
Some punk tried to claim Lucky Charms was better than Froot Loops because of the
The difference between me and my heathen brother
The only thing I could think of when I saw this
Adriana Lima -2/10 would not bang
She fucking HATES them! (x-post /r/ANormalGeneralMillsExperience)
We hate on those assclowns over at General Mills plenty. Let's not forget about this
[SERIOUS] TIL Hitler literally endorsed General Mills WHEATIES and even appeared
This is bullshit - you're oversimplifying a complex carbohydrate to the point of
Shit like this should be illegal
Pics of Dicks (NSFW)
General Mills comes clean
General Mills is up to their dirty tricks again
MRW someone says they like General Mills cereal
Guess the brand (NSFW)
How much will General Mills pay to hide their dirty secrets? [NSFW]
The problem with generic corn flakes
Friend of mine still buys these for some reason, every box is the same way.
The villains out to destroy breakfast
These should stay buried (NSFW)
MRW my mom asked if I wanted general mills because it was on sale
So true!!
People who eat General Mills products. [NFSW/L]
I concur, eyebrows don't change anything (x-post from /r/funny)
At least 33% of my college will not be doomed to eternal damnation [NSFW]
Found these in a charity food bin, but I don't think even the poor would want these
The General Mills formula for 2nd rate cereals
Krave really are treasures! [mildly NSFW]
General Mills brings misfortune upon your roomate
This Post Gave Me Cansur (NSFW)
Ruining lives, and now chili dogs
I can't be the ONLY person who saw this on the newest Lucky Charms box.
This poor man is clearly disturbed. Someone needs to get him a proper breakfast cereal.
My wife is a monster
Anyone remember this scene from the batman? (Slightly NSFW)
Arbeit Macht Cereal (NSFW)
Guys, I don't even know who I am anymore [NSFW]
The NSA + General Mills (General Barf)
Exposed! The awful truth Cheerios doesn't want you to see NSFW NSFL GORE