Me Spoilers

[SPOILER] The cover of Danger-Do reminded me of some of my favorite fan art.
[Spoiler] Borderlands 2 has given me a quest I wish I could complete.
Spoiler tags won't stop me now!
[Spoilers] Tell me about it, Milo. (The image I was born to post)
[SPOILER] This would not have surprised me.
[SPOILER] This moment made me incredibly sad, will we see them again?
[SPOILER] Oddly Enough This Actually Surprised Me a Bit
[SPOILER] One thing that the finale reminded me of
[Spoilers] Wolverine #13 - The last page followed immediately by an ad for the new
Spoilers. My favorite "Did You Miss Me" fan made photo.
Spoilers: Seeing the pier from tonight's episode compared to the pier from "Business
[SPOILER S2E1] A friend who is visiting DC sent me this.
[Spoilers]I don't know about you guys, but this was the greatest moment in episode
[SPOILER] Basically this is bugging me more than anything else from the premiere.
[spoiler forever evil] the first page of Grayson instantly drew me in, so excited
[SPOILER]The final shot of the season fucking broke me.
[SPOILER] What irks me about Korrasami shippers... NSFW
[SPOILERS] Constantine futures end one shot, loved this comic and this page gave
[SPOILER] Hinata's love sketch by me
[SPOILERS] To Me...My Galactus [Fantastic Four #604]
[SPOILERS]"Excuse me, out of the way please...."
[Spoiler] I knew that Tuco reminded me of someone...
[SPOILERS] when i was right, nobody believes in me
[SPOILERS] This, more than anything else, has convinced me that the Marvel Universe
[Spoilers?] "Too Sweet me bro." NXT Columbus
(Spoilers All) This shit pisses me off
[Spoilers] Me, because of the latest chapter's announcement...
(Spoilers) No one gives me goosebumps like this person. Gets me everytime
[Spoilers] - Well, color me disappointed.
[Spoiler S03E05] Me right now
[SPOILER] Paper Girls #2 had a scene that reminded me of this Jim Benton comic
[SPOILERS] The scene where they shoot at zoom reminded me of this
[SPOILERS] I made this to help me cope with the recent episodes.... Don't lose hope!
[SPOILERS]is it just me or it was a reference?
[SPOILER] This double page spread in Star Trek Green Lantern The Spectrum Wars #5
[Spoiler] HULU Spoiled Ep9 for me before I even watched it...
[Spoiler] Are you kidding me TIME magazine? That's not even what I was searching
[Spoilers] Reading this makes me smile and feel sad, all at the same time
[Spoilers][The Omega Men #2] This page always gets me.
[SPOILERS] Me and my big mouth.
[Spoilers] My friend just sent me this picture from NXT Tonight!!!!!
[Spoilers] This page from Ultimate Spider-Man really makes me hope that Marvel develops
[Spoilers] So I was watching Naruto Shippuden and this scene made me remind me of
[spoiler] Show me again the power of the dark side.
"Spoiler" This made me sad :(
[Spoiler] Me when I saw the last scene of Matt and Karen
[Spoiler] This was posted on /r/gifs reminds me of a certain Kellogg flashback?
[SPOILER] Help me...
[Spoilers] what if every bad thing that ever happened to you was orchestrated by
(Spoilers Everything) This scene really reminded me of Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli
[Spoiler] this alien I met made me feel tremendously uncomfortable.
[Spoiler] Are you kidding me ?
[SPOILERS] Dressed up as Glenn this last Halloween and a caricature artist who has
(SPOILERS) [The Flintstones #12] I can't believe this series made me feel so many
[Spoilers C2E15] A completely platonic boat ride [Art by Me]