Office Funny

So my friend works at a urology office and found this....
Oh come on! No one wants to think about Dwight from The Office while fapping!
Coming soon to offices everywhere
yeah, i'm also a designer in the porn industry and we have fun by deploying scare
Awesome office chair probably [NSFW]
BREAKING: Sarah Jessica Parker caught molesting Police Officers.
My office manager decided the Tilted Kilt menus were NSFW
I just walking into our office washroom to find this in a stall... (possibly NSFW)
Co-worker had a doctors appointment and came back to the office with this....
I see your German policeman and raise you Officer Naughty
I found this while cleaning my mom's office supply drawer out... [NSFW]

I drew the 4 characters on the right and came back after lunch to the addition
Was called down to the Deans Office, Found this Filing Cabinet. 8th Graders disgust
just another typical day at the office.
Apparently... I should get to the Doctor's Office in a hurry.
He didn't even get the Office reference.
Just waiting at the doctor's office... (Nsfw)
How to deal with vandalism in an office (Language 
What happens when you open a NSFW link at the doctor's office...
My boss is out of town for 2 weeks...  He left his office door unlocked so we could
The Met Office forecasts the most severe weather warning for the UK this week (possibly
My knee jerk reaction when my boss walks into my office as I close a NSFW post just
HIFW I left the office for christmas holiday
No Officer
Casual office sex [possibly NSFW]
I see your office prank and raise you a dorm room prank
My friend took a picture of a guy and his buttcrack at the post office... I improved
Somebody hand drew a QR code on our whiteboard in the office over the weekend
I'm Justin Roiland, co-creator of Rick and Morty (on adult swim this fall) and voice
I was curious what the 1st cards would be... Someone at the the office is laughing
For my cakeday, I present my favorite find in one of our less visited offices.
Horse sexually assaults police officer (NSFW?)
[NSFW]Extremely jealous of my friend's view from their office.. Why do they get to
sitting in a PN office and I look over and see this in the chair. NSFW
Never leave your partner's Valentines card just lying around the office. NSFW
Found this in the restroom at my dentist's office
So my friend owns a bakery and it was one of the office girls birthday, this cake
It was art day at the office. Thanks for the coloring page, Duke Michael.
Opened a guys messaging app to try and find a contact to tell he left his phone at
I think there may be some hostility between the electricians rewiring my office building.
My wife is a nurse in OB. She just opened a drawer in her office and found this (possibly
So Jan. 19th is Milk Shake Day in my office; this is how we let everyone know.
nsfw Just another day in the office.
Found this in my supervisor's office this morning...
Friday Fun at the Office... (NSFW)
Almost got caught taking "The hardest cocktail test for bartenders" at
NSFW Someone hit a power line near my office today, causing us a major power outage.
NSFW Just a typical Wednesday at my girlfriend's office
My Office is 2 floors up and the windows don't open...how did it even get there?
Just another day at the office [NSFW-ISH] ironically...
Brochure I saw at the doctor's office
My office has the key to cumming, men and women
Got three trophies in our Annual Sports Meet. The next morning when I came to office,
Guy selling his gf's pot pipes on Facebook b/c someone ratted her out to the parole
The office secret santa was yesterday, this is now staring at me from across the
This wood carving I found in my bosses office