Picture Taken By

I took a photo of Saturn in my back garden. It's by far the best picture I've ever
I took a photo of Uranus from my back garden. It's by far THE best picture I've ever
I want to give my boyfriend something to remember me by while he's overseas serving
Apparently on GW if you take down your verification post from ages ago, the legitimacy
By this picture she's meaning two different things: if you are an inferior man, she's
Seen in NYC. This man was punched in the back of the head by a black man shortly
Should I post pictures of me getting taken advantage of by a girl?hm
Today's picture, taken for [M]e by a close friend ;)
I fucked 1 black and 2 asian men the previous night. The last one left and I passed
I know I said I'm done with porn, but I thought you guys might like this picture
Next story will be about how these pictures were taken the same day by friends
Looking for help putting a date to this picture of my (35f) Great Grandmother (4x
If you become one of my fans on OnlyFans (search for OneGuyOneLeg) you will get to
Getting my butt kicked by OCD at the moment so here's probably the best picture of
By far one of my favorite pictures I've ever taken of myself. (F/OC)