
Carrie in Sand (Detail), Paradise Cove. Photo Herb Ritts 1988 [NSFW]
Pierre and Yuri (surnames unknown) by Herb Ritts, 1999. (xpost /r/fashpics)
Helena Christensen by Herb Ritts
In the snow (F) - ritts
Giving the look (F) - ritts
Giving nibbles (M/F) - ritts
Trans Hure bei einem scharfen Ritt
[MH] Proposition for Fun (Ritts)
"when that cute but weird guy coworker who stares a lot snuck under his desk~well
"Wollt ihr nen Ritt auf meinem Diskostick?"
Wollt ihr nen Ritt auf [m]einem Diskostick?
Carre Otis & Stephanie Seymour | US Vogue June 1989 -- outtake | ph. Herb
Carre Otis & Stephanie Seymour | US Vogue June 1989 -- outtake | ph. Herb
Carre Otis Stephanie Seymour US Vogue June 1989 outtake ph Herb Ritts - same GIRLS
Carre Otis and Stephanie Seymour by Herb Ritts
Stephanie, Cindy, Christy, Tatjana, Naomi. An iconic photo (by Herb Ritts) of the