Setting Sail

Full {M}ast, lets set sail!
Let's set sail
sign in register First Mate Winston is ready to set sail!
Let the ship set sail!
Lift the [m]ass and set sail!
A couple ships confirmed, and perhaps a new one has set sail?
It's time to set sail!
Set for a sail
tErrOrIsT sEtS oFF A frIcKen bOmB unDerNeAth aN iNNocEnt paSsErbY, boDy sAilS thrOuGH
Ready to set sail
Time to set sail for the next port.
“Let’s set sail! The fun begins, summoner...” ✨
New hopes for knowledge and peace are there and therefore as we set sail; we ask
New hopes for knowledge and peace are there and therefore as we set sail; we ask
GettinS ready to set sail