
You have to understand it, MD feminists: stupidity is *SEXY* to the superior Men
This is the big tragedy of women: they can only be interesting as inferior beings
My boyfriend is completely uninterested this morning, and I'm SO turned on. Help!
Here we have another feminist titly expressing female hypergamy (female preference
Superior Men have some counter-ideas to wymyn's ideas. F.i: if wymyn want to role-play
So when a woman says: "I don't want to have sex with you because it's obscene
Here you have another woman trying to be interesting to a superior Man, and trying
That's feminists' big problem: if they play the female superiority roleplay, they
Girls shows her pussy to uninterested friends, and a guy who is just a head. Artist
Totally Uninterested In Her Boyfriend And Going Through Her Phone
An uninteresting title