I'm A Poet

I...don't even...they should've sent a poet...[NSFW]
When I was reading the Roman poet Catullus, and he made a joke about someone drinking
[Request] /u/evey_poet and /u/samm_bamm ... does anyone their sets?
One last POEM Truest r/opiates POET |POEMPOET|
Apparently my school has a master poet attending..
Holding them for you so you can take a good look at my big areolas
Who’s sucking them ?
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My pussy is waiting for your cum, but leave some for my tits too
Folks drunk as poets all sound the same s.nap_racescale
And poets say happiness never lasts s,nap~sayloving
You're the poet in my heart s.na,p-sayloving?
Byłaś gdy w nocnych klubach brali mnie za poetę s'nap<agoclands
So thin with your poet hands s.na?p_drunkboal!
I poEt, you stroke